Chapter Eight: Hospital Part One plus visits

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It was after Gwen's surgery, she had to get stitches in her leg. And on top of that, she had to get  a cast over it, and was sick.  She was starting to wake up, she wasn't ready for visitors until 2. It was twelve. Two hours until she could see people. She had to be in the hospital for a few days, the cast and stitches were only temporary. She had another surgery planned to take care of splinters and bad tissue in her leg. Gwen ate to pass the time. She was pretty hungry anyway.

~two hours later~

Finally, Gwen could see other people. Immediately she heard a Knock on her door. A nurse came in. Or as Gwen knew her, Nurse Molly.

"Miss Malinda, you have a few visitors." Nurse Molly said.

"Who?" Gwen asked.

"A black-haired boy and two girls, a brunette and a blonde." 

Duncan, Courtney, and Bridgette came through the door after Nurse Molly left. 

"Hi Guys" Gwen said.

"Hey, Gwen? How are you doing?" Bridgette asked. 

"I'm doing okay." 

"We're glad." Courtney said, "We were worried." 

"What have you been doing, pasty?" Duncan asked.

Gwen shrugged. 

Duncan chuckled and put his arm around Courtney, Who responded by kicking him in jewels. Bridgette and Gwen laughed. Gwen felt good to be with her friends. Time went by really fast, And before Gwen knew it, Nurse Molly Came in.

"Everybody, Gwen has another visitor. You need to leave." Nurse Molly said.

"Aww. Bye Gwen!" Bridgette said as her, Duncan, and Courtney walked out. 

"Your next visitor." Nurse Molly said, 

Trent came through the door. The door closed and they were alone in the room.

"Hi." Gwen said.

"Hi. I heard about the incident. I'm sorry." Trent said.

"it's okay, you need to apologize." Gwen said, then coughed.

"Are you sure? That sounds pretty bad!" 

"My Fever is feeling better, my leg still hurts." 

Trent looked at her bandaged leg, it was on a leg rest.

"Oh," he tapped it.

"Ow!" Gwen said.

"Im sorry!" Trent said quickly.

"Its okay..." Gwen winced. 

Trent sat on a stool next to her hospital bed. Gwen smiled.

"How's everyone at school?" Gwen asked.

"Zoey is worried, she told me to tell you hi, because she couldn't come..heather hasn't come to school yet..pretty much everyone else is worried but awkward."

"Serves Heather right." Gwen said, crossing her arms, "Tell Zoey it's okay, there has been crazy work and tests so I understand."

Trent smiled.

"You really have a positive attitude." Trent said, ruffling her hair.

Gwen blushed, usually she hated that, but she didn't mind this time.

"Thanks." Gwen said.

After Trent Left, Gwen got a visit from her mom and brother, though it was so short, it was mostly the usual, asking if she was okay and stuff. 

After the visits, Gwen got a rest before she had to get an X-Ray. So Gwen took a nap, she really needed it. 

Nurse Molly woke Gwen up.

"Wake up, Miss Malinda.." nurse Millay said.

Gwen got up and yawned. 

"Get in this." Nurse Molly rolled up a wheelchair. And helped Gwen get into it.  Nurse Molly rolled Gwen into the X-ray room. She laid Gwen on a hospital bed and put a blanket over her. The X-ray machine made a digital hum, and then started moving around, until it was right above Gwen's leg. There was a big flash. It had taken a picture. 


When Gwen was back into her bed, she got a text:

From Heather: How are you doing, Goth head?

To Heather: Shut it.

From Heather: Seriously, I hate you, a lot, but I'm not about to mock you when you're in the hospital.

To Heather: I'm hurting.

From Heather: anybody could guess that.

To Heather: Heather.....

From Heather: Fine.

Gwen was surprised that heather was actually being sincere. But that didn't stop her from bringing up Trent, at the second time, Gwen blocked Heather. 

A hole in her leg was enough.

Haylo Everybody!

I'm thinking of doing the rest of the story in POVs. What do you think? I'm still unsure. I will see you later with more GWENT!!

Angel Chinchilla 😇 

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