Chapter 13: Life's Ways

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Gwen didn't go to school the next day. She was bored out of her mind. But she couldn't go back to school, too much drama. She then remembered, Courtney had gotten cheated on too (ish)!  She could talk to her..

Girls 🙂

Gwen: Hi Courtney, could we talk?

Courtney: Sure.

Gwen: I may need some outside support.

Courtney: On your leg?

Gwen: No, you didn't hear?

Courtney: No.

Gwen: Trent kissed Heather. Again.

Courtney: Oh...I'm sorry. Why are you asking me?

Gwen: ....



Courtney: did he try to explain himself?

Gwen: Yes...Kind of..

Courtney: At least listen to what he says. If he makes an excuse, it's not like it's the end of the world.

Gwen: I don't feel like talking to him.

Courtney: Okay. Then at least not be mad at him.

Gwen: done. I'm just really sad. 

Courtney: Then be sad.

Gwen: Thank you, you're so good at this.

Courtney: Gwen...

Gwen: right...

Gwen felt a small chill rush through her body. She heard something crash. She immediately rushed into the living room and saw a picture had fallen down. She picked it up and was shocked when she saw it. It was the picture of Trent holding her when she missed the bronco in 3:10 to Crazytown. She immediately dropped it again. But then felt this pang of sadness. She clutched the fabric of her shirt in front of her heart. I miss him?  She thought.

"I miss him?" She repeated out loud. 

Gwen had never though if this possibility yet. She looked down. She felt like she was becoming crazy. Missing him..even after her betrayed her..Gwen how had a moment of realization. She tried to stop herself but she walked back into her room, turned on her phone and texted somebody who knew everything about her and Trent...She couldn't believe she was doing this, but she was desperate for a decent explanation of somebody who was rejected multiple times.

Gwen: Sierra?

Sierra: Gwen? What is it?

Gwen: You texted like a normal person?

Sierra: it's for my CODYKINS!

Gwen:...I need your help.

Sierra: It's with Trent isn't it?

Gwen: How did you know?

Gwen: Wait I don't want to know. Just help.

Sierra: What do you want help with?

Gwen: I miss him...a little.


Gwen: What?!

Sierra:  never mind.


Sierra: Tell him,

Gwen: everyone is saying that.

Sierra: Okay do it.

Gwen: No! I don't want to talk to him!

Sierra: Then don't. 

Gwen: Okay...

Gwen was surprised she even had Sierra's number, but she decided to just wait until she felt like it. After all that's what's everyone said to do.


Gwen had taken her pills for her leg, and heard a ping from her phone. She didn't answer. She knew it was Trent. So she grabbed her pencils and started sketching. She let her thoughts take over. As she started to sketch she caught herself wondering...I want Trent back in my life....

Don't I?


Angel Chinchilla Here!


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Thank you guys sooo much for reading! And I will see you next time!

Angel Chinchilla 😇

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