Chapter One: At Least Communication...

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Gwen laid lifelessly on her bed. Normally she would draw or text her friends about Chris or the 'Duncan' thing. But today she was just out of ideas. Gwen looked around her room which she had decorated with sketches taped up with black tape. Gwen almost rolled off the bed when she saw the sketch that she made of Trent in Total Drama Island, instead she Ignored it. Gwen was about to get up when she heard a ping from her phone. She picked it up and sat herself up. She saw who the text was from and gasped.

From Trent: Hi Gwen, It's been forever since we chatted or even acknowledged each other's existence. But hey, like any good friend, I forgive you for the whole Duncan you want to be friends?

Gwen didn't know what to say, so she texted back,

To Trent: Sorry, I can't chat now. Later.

From Trent: Ok, Gwen, chat later.

Gwen really really wanted to chat...but couldn't. She was too scared. 

"Maybe one day I can talk to him without feeling scared." Gwen said quietly. She felt a pang of sadness, because she remembered her good times with him. Another text.

From Trent: 😘 

Gwen blushed madly. She  couldn't believe her eyes. Does she still... her memories were interrupted by another text from Trent.

From Trent: Opps, sorry, My finger slipped. I meant to say: 🙃

Gwen sighed of relief. She didn't know what she should do now. Just as quickly, she got a text from Zoey.

From Zoey: Hey Gwen, I'm so bored 😑 want to get some ice cream?

To Zoey: Sure. Getting my sweater.

Gwen changed into blue jeans and put on her black sweater that's says "my life is hard because who I am, and if that's what I have to go through to be me, then I'm okay with it." And was ready to go. Gwen got into her car and drove to the ice cream shack. There were picnic tables outside the shack, and it didn't take Gwen to long to notice Zoey. Zoey's hair had grown to her shoulders and was down, Zoey had a aqua tank top that said, "Cannonball!" And a red skirt. She still had a flower in her hair. 

"Hi Gwen? What flavor do you want?" Zoey called as Gwen sat down across from her.

"Blueberry." Gwen said.

"Blueberry. That's Trent's favorite too I.." Zoey paused when she saw and look and Gwen's face, looked down and said, "I like birthday cake flavor..." 

But Gwen was cast away by her own mind....did she really like Trent? And how would she get him back...


I hope you guys like the story so far, this was my first story. I will add onto it soon. C U later.

-(my favorite name) Angel Chinchilla

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