Chapter Ten: Hospital part 2

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Gwen woke up with a start. She was in her hospital bed. Her leg was still casted up, and it hurt. She was groggy, what happened? She saw nurse Molly come in.

"Miss Malinda?"

"Yes?" Gwen asked.

"You have a few new visitors, also you slept until it was time for your surgery, it's done now. You'll be leaving in two days. You'll still have the cast though." 

"Oooh. Okay."

"I'll be letting them in now."

Cody and Sierra came into the door. Sierra was hugging Cody. 

"Uh...Hi..." Gwen said. 

"Hi Gwen!" Sierra said happily.

"What's up?" Cody asked.

"I'm doing okay." 

"Oh! I need a photo for my blog!" Sierra said, dropping Cody on his behind. She took out her cellphone and snapped many pictures. 

Cody stood up and watched until Sierra stopped taking pictures.

"I never heard how that happened. I mean I was there when the teacher embarrassed you but..." Cody started rambling but stopped when he saw the look on Gwen's face. She was blushing and here eyes were open wide. 

Gwen calmed down and said, "Bridgette lead me to the bathroom, i threw up, then when I was walking home with Bridgette and Courtney, I tripped and a sharp stick gashed a hole in my leg." 

Cody winced. 

"Yeah." Gwen muttered. 

The visit with Cody and Sierra went by pretty fast. And soon it was time for bed. Gwen fell asleep thinking these two days are never gonna end.

~12 hours later (one day left)~

Gwen woke up in her hospital bed, hurting. She immediately pushed the button to call the nurse. Nurse Molly came almost immediately. 

"Yes?" Nurse Molly asked.

"I'm hurting really..." Gwen didn't have the time to finish her sentence because she was knocked out. Gwen could  barely see their face, Or hear the sirens in the hospital.


Gwen woke up again, head throbbing, she was hurting more badly then she was before. She looked around. She saw a person with their head in a bag, on the floor. And Zoey was holding them down, Trent was sitting on a stool next to her bed. 

"Wha...what?" Gwen asked.

"Gwen's awake!" Trent told Zoey, who was busy holding the person down.

"She is?" Asked Zoey who gave the person a kick in the back, who was wearing handcuffs and went over to Gwen. 

"What happened?" Gwen asked.

"This person was trying to attack you but thank goodness we came in for a visit. Zoey brought out Commando Zoey and owned this person." Trent said. 

"Thankfully she still exists." Zoey said. 

"But we still don't know who this person is." Trent said.

Zoey went over to the person and removed the bag. And they all saw....

"CHRIS?" Gwen, Zoey and Trent said together.

"You found me." Chris said, flashing his famous smile. 

"But why?" Gwen asked.

"One word. Drama." 

The police burst through the door screaming "FBI OPEN UP."

They  arrested Chris, for the second time, and Gwen was finally starting to feel better. The visit with Zoey and Trent was awesome and Gwen could finally go back to sleep.

~the next day~

It was 6 am, and Gwen was already awake. She could finally leave the ER. The doctors gave her crutches and meds. 

"Be careful out there, Miss Malinda." Nurse Molly said.

"Thank you for your care." Gwen said and walked (I don't know what else to call it) away.

As she looked at the sun and a raven flew by her was t8me to go back to school.

Hi everybody!

Next Chapter will be when Gwen goes back to school.

She still has her bandages above her stitches and that's why she has a crutch. 

So C U later!

Angel chinchilla 😇 

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