Chapter Two: Just Friends

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From Trent: Hey Gwen, Where are you?

To Trent: Ice Cream with Zoey

From Trent: OK just wanted to know

Gwen looked up from her phone and licked her blueberry ice cream. Zoey saw Gwen's phone as her ice cream started to melt.

"Who are you texting?" Zoey asked.

Gwen blushed and hid her phone, "No one..." she muttered.

"Sorry." Zoey said and licked her ice cream. Zoey looked Kinda  sad.

"Are you okay?" Gwen asked.

"Yeah, it just you guys were so cute together..." 

Gwen blushed madly and dropped her ice cream, she was almost done with it anyway. Zoey noticed, "Sorry." 

"It's okay," Gwen was still blushing but then asked, "Were we?"


"Cute together?"

"Yeah, Totally." 

"You really think so?"

"Gwen, what would I gain from lying to you?"

"Good point." 



"Do you...still like Trent?"

Gwen almost fell out of her seat, her face was as red as a fire truck. Zoey looked shocked.

"I'm so sorry!" Zoey said.

"No, no it's okay. I do like Trent." Gwen said blushing.

"This is off topic, but Courtney told me to invite you to her house for our truth or dare party. Duncan, Trent, Bridgette, Geoff, Heather Alejandro, and Sierra will also be there."

"A truth or dare party with Trent and Sierra? No way!" Gwen said

"Aww come on." Zoey pouted.

"Fine, but don't go hard on me okay?"


A ping from Gwen's phone

From Trent: u coming to the party?

To Trent: Yes

From Trent: 😎 Cool

Gwen looked up from her phone.

"Texting Trent?" Zoey asked smirking

"Zoey!" Gwen scolded,  but blushing.

"sorry." Zoey said giggling.

I know what you are thinking

Something is gonna happen!

But not yet, be patient my friends. I will update soon but not too soon! On Monday I have to go do something. C U later guys!

From: Angel Chinchilla

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