Chapter Eleven: Back to School...again

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As Gwen walked (well, with her crutches) back into Total Drama High School, she saw a lot of people looking at her. Gwen knew why, so she tried to hide her face. She went to her locker and when she took out her books she heard a person behind her.

"Hey Gwen. Need some help?"

She realized who her locker was right next to.

"Hi Bridgette," Gwen said. 

"I can help you carry your stuff." 

"Thanks," Gwen handed Bridgette her books. Gwen carried her pencil pack in her hand. 

As they were walking to their first class, Homeroom, Gwen tripped, send her crutches falling onto the floor, one barely missing Bridgette and making a loud crash sound. Everybody turned around.

"Gwen?" A voice asked.

Gwen looked up and saw Trent, who was holding his arm out. She gladly took his hand, feeling her cheeks turn pink, but without the crutches, she stood on one foot and almost toppled into him. She blushed and apologized.

"It's okay." Trent said.

Bridgette help Gwen get balanced and picked up her crutches for her. They walked into homeroom. The teacher, Miss Mack saw Gwen.

"Gwen, Hi. Welcome back." Miss Mack said.

Miss Mack was one of Gwen's favorite teachers. 

"Hi Miss Mack, where do I put my crutches?"  Gwen asked.

"Lean them over on the wall." 

So Gwen leaned them against the wall and had Bridgette and Trent help her get to her seat. 

Gwen took out her Sketchbook and starting drawing. 

She could not stop thinking about Trent for some reason and started drawing him, it was him, with his normal outfit on, holding a muffin. 

"What are you drawing?" Trent asked.

Gwen slammed her sketchbook closed as fast as she could.

"Nothing..." she said quietly. 

Trent walked away.

Gwen continued drawing her heart away. Sierra  skipped over to Gwen.

"Gwen? Can I borrow your sketchbook?" Sierra asked.

"No." Gwen said closing it.

"It's for my blog!" Sierra said trying to peek at it.

"Still no!" Gwen kept pulling it away, she was doing a good job.

"Pleeeease?" Sierra did the puppy dog eyes.



Gwen opened it back up but stopped when she saw Sierra trying to peek at it again, and shut it.



Sierra finally walked away. 

~after a few classes cus i wanna get to the important part 🥺~

Gwen walked out of math class and saw a school nurse at the door.

"Hi," The nurse said.

"Um,,,hello?" Gwen asked.

"The hospital delivered a boot for you." 

The nurse put a boot on Gwen's foot. 

"And now you can walk without the crutches." The nurse said.

(You all know what I mean by boot right?)

"Thank you." Gwen said.

Gwen walked out to recess with her new boot. She sat on a bench to calm down and got a text from the td group chat.

Total drama group chat  🤗😎😝🥳

Trent: I wrote a song.

Heather: Just kill me now.

Gwen: Who's it for?

Trent: it's a surprise.

Katie: IS IT FOR ME?!


Geoff: share it with us, dude.

Bridgette: Hey Geoffy poo ♥️💝💘💞


Trent: you've been through lots of drama

I feel bad for you

But let's focus on my heart

And yours too

We are meant to be together

I can't get you out of my head

Singing this feels like forever

And that is how my story goes

When I knew you

Before this all started

We had a connection 

We knew all the same things

But know it is time

To change the verses and the rhymes

And I know now

That I love you

It has been a while

A long while too

Bridgette: awwwwweee! 

Zoey: I know who it is for...

Courtney: I know too!

Gwen: Who..?



Trent: It's actually for Gwen.

Gwen was surprised, she actually felt the blush on her face. So she texted back.

Gwen: Awww. I love you too 🥰

Trent: 😊

Zoey: Awww! I ship it.

Leshawna: I ship it too, honey 👊

Zoey: 👊

Heather: Finally some people have started punching each other.

Zoey: It Was a fist bump, Heather. 

Trent: Gwen, will you go out with me?

Gwen: totally! ♥️

Trent: ♥️

Heather: BARF 🤮 

Gwen kicked Heather off the chat 

Gwen smiled to herself. The bell rang. Gwen got up blushing and smiling, the next class was art, and since it was her favorite hobby and her crush just asked her out, Gwen felt like she was walking on air.

Hi everybody!

It's me, Angel chinchilla!

Trent asked Gwen out! About time, am I right?

I'll see you later with more Gwent!


Angel Chinchilla 😇 

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