Chapter 18: Found

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It had been 5 minutes since Gwen got shoved into a locker. It was dark and very dusty, Gwen could feel the dust all over her. Gwen had her pen in her pocket and started to doodle all over the wall.


Gwen wrote, she needed to get out of here. Gwen felt a ping and realized that she had her phone in her pocket too! Gwen was so relieved, and texted Zoey immediately. 

To Zoey: Help! Zoey I need help!

Zoey replied immediately.

From Zoey: What is it?

To Zoey: Heather shoved me into a locker

From Zoey: which one?

To Zoey: The one by Scott's locker

From Zoey: There are tons of lockers near Scott's locker, a lot of unlabeled ones.

Gwen groaned, of course heather would try to hide which locker she was in.

To Zoey: Knock on the locker doors.

From Zoey: Okay. 

Gwen heard knocking from at least three lockers away.

"Is that you?" Zoey asked in the distance.

"No" Gwen said.

After three tries, Zoey found Gwen. 

"Can you open it?" Asked Gwen.

"It's jammed." Zoey said.

"What do we do now?" Gwen asked.

"Stay here, I'll go get the janitor." Gwen could hear Zoey running away to get help. 


Gwen had stayed another five minutes, but Zoey hadn't come back. 

Suddenly, Gwen heard other footsteps, but more than one....four.

"Hey dork-wad, open that locker," Gwen heard Duncan said.

"But that locker is haunted, anyone with smarts will know that." Said someone who Gwen knew was Harold. 

"That's why it's  a dare." Duncan said,

"Come one man, do it!" Geoff yelled.

"Yeah." Gwen internally gasped, that was Trents voice. He found me! 

"Fine! But if I die, you are not getting my money." Harold said.

Gwen heard creaking and started to freak out. 

"It's jammed." Harold said.

"Try harder with those little twig arms." 

There were more noises, more struggling from Harold and...


The locker door opened.

Harold saw Gwen who was covered in dust, so much dust, plus her pale skin tone, it's like she was white 

"AAAAAAH GHOST!" Harold screamed. 

Gwen saw the light finally and ands stumbled out of the locker.

"Gwen!" Trent said,

"Pasty," Duncan said.

Gwen almost fell over but Trent caught her and helped her dust out her hair.

"Great prank." Duncan said,

"That was not a prank." Gwen said.

"What happened?" Trent, being the sweet boyfriend, asked.

"Heather stuffed me into the locker." Gwen said. 

Geoff looked like he saw that coming, "No surprise there, but are you okay, dudette?" 

"Yeah I'm fine." Gwen said, smiling. 

"And Gwen, meet me outside after school." Trent said.

Gwen smiled and blushed at he walked away with his friends. 

Zoey came running back with bolt cutters and saw Gwen out.

"Oh my gosh!" Zoey said, "I am so sorry." 

"It's okay, Zoey, you tried." Gwen said, 

They both smiled and laughed. 


Gwen was so excited she couldn't stop thinking about what Trent said for the rest of the day, still, she managed to pay attention. But all that was on her mind was a certain you-know-whoo~

Gwen walked outside, the breeze blowing onto her face, it felt so good. Gwen stopped when she saw a beautiful sight in front of her. 

There was Trent, holding a adorable black cat and holding up a sign that said; Black Cats my not be lucky, but will you be my lucky charm at PROM? 

Gwen rushed up and hugged Trent so hard he almost fell over. 

"So is that a yes?" Trent asked, beaming.

"Totally!"  Gwen said and pecked him on the cheek, "Who's that Kitty?"

Back at the outside of the doors of school, Kitty swore she heard her name.

"She's Dawn's, but Dawn let me borrow her for the occasion. Her name is Albungu." Trent said, handing Gwen Albungu. 

Gwen petted Albungu and Albungu walked up onto Gwen's head and coughed up a hairball.

"Yuck!" Gwen said.

"Ha-Ha!" Heather said in the distance. 

Trent handed Gwen a towel as Gwen wiped off her hair.

"My dearest friends, can I have Albungu back?" A voice said.

Gwen looked behind her and saw that Dawn was there.

"Ah!" Gwen said, startled.

"Uh, Sure." 

And she was gone.

The two looked at each other and smiled wholeheartedly.

Prom dates.


Lol I finally uploaded 😂

Sorry for the *cough* tension in my book, Total Drama Texts..


So C U Later!

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