Chapter19: A shocking twist

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Trent noticed there was something wrong with Gwen...she would suddenly go into coughing fits and wheezing until he smacked her in the back. Trent had a few ideas of what It could be, but most of them were diseases that you have to be born with. Trent was extremely confused. 

Gwen got into one of her coughing fits that morning.

"Gwen, I'm coming!" Trent said and found her coughing on her bed, Trent whacked her on the back and Gwen wheezed, stopped coughing, then passed out.



At the hospital  Gwen lay in the bed, Gwen knew she was alive...but she wasn't awake.

What happened? The last thing I remember is...Coughing...wheezing..Trent then blackness. I must have passed out, but can I wake up? Wait...

Gwen opened her eyes and saw a doctor in front of her. 

"Hello Miss Marida." The Doctor said.

"Oh..hi." Gwen said.

"You have been coughing and wheezing, we have run tests and figured out your diagnosis is....Asthma."

Gwen's lips trembled, her heart sped up, her whole body shook and she felt the tears coming to her eyes. Gwen started sobbing uncontrollably into her pillow. 

"Gwen.." some one said.

It was Trent. 


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