Chapter 20: Broken

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Chapter 20 Guuuuys! :)))))))


Trent stood in front of Gwen, who was still bawling in her hospital bed.

"I thought I finally escaped all of the drama, and yet this happens." Gwen said between sobs. 

Trent sat next to her in the bed and held Gwen close to his chest as she bawled her eyes out, Trent said, "Look. It's going to be ok as long as we handle it well." Trents warm voice made Gwen feel a little better, but less better after he left. 

Gwen sighed and all of a sudden There was a knock on the door, and Courtney came into the room.

"What some TLC?" Courtney sheepishly asked.

"No." Gwen said, as soon as she saw Courtney she had some severe flashbacks, "I'm not forgiving you after what you did to me one year ago," 


Gwen sat on the bench at free time, it was typical, instead of hanging out with friends, or going out somewhere, Gwen sat alone. She took out her sketchbook and drew, Gwen's whole heart hurt, but she didn't want to admit it. After all, she was taken.

It's about time I dumped Duncan, Gwen thought, Soon was prom, and guess who asked out Trent? Courtney. Because Courtney wanted revenge, Gwen told Courtney that she was going to break up with Duncan but She didn't listen. A tiny bit of Gwen's heart was crushed every time she saw Courtney and Trent in the halls, and she felt like she was being crushed one piece at a time.

Of course Trent noticed that Gwen looked so heartbroken every time he and Courtney hung out, he had no idea what to do about it.

"Obviously she's jealous, babe," Courtney always said, "But that little gothic blister can't take you from me."

Duncan was mad too, but he didn't just stay back like Gwen did, he told everybody that Courtney needed to get back to him immediately and they made the "Crush Trent" Group. Gwen stayed away from him after that.

"But Dunc, Trents one of my best friends." Gwen said.

"And he's stealing Courtney from me." Duncan said.

Gwen gasped, "But aren't we dating?"

Duncan pretended he didn't hear her.

"Well not anymore apparently!" Gwen screamed and ran away from him.

"Gwen Wait!" Duncan shouted.

Gwen kept running until he was out of her hearing range. And at that moment, another piece of her heart broke off and crusted into tiny bits. Gwen kept running but she crashed into somebody's back and fell to the floor.

Gwen's vision was blurry, and she was feeling dizzy but it she saw who it was.

"Trent?" Gwen yelped.

"Gwen, I'm so sorry." Trent said.

Courtney walked up from behind him and Gwen could see the tiniest smile creep up her face, and Courtney just walked away after that. How cold-hearted can a girl get?

Trent Picked Gwen up bridal style and rushed to the nurse. Gwen blushed like a tomato, but he was helping her, Gwen thought he hated her.

Maybe not.

Or so she thought.

at The of the day when Gwen had recovered Courtney walked over to Gwen's locker. Coincidentally, there weren't anyone in the halls, they had all gone outside waiting to go home.

"What do you want?" Gwen didn't care she sounded catty, that's because she was really mad.

"Are you mad because I got your man?" Courtney said mockingly putting quotes around the words "Your man"

"He's not mine, he's his own person." Gwen defended, slamming her locker and starting to walk.

Courtney followed her, "Why do you care so much about him all of a sudden? Are you in love with him?"

Gwen blushed at the mention of Trent. "Why are you acting like a second heather?"

"Heather is my friend now, boyfriend kisser." Courtney got in front of Gwen.

"Spare me the drama!" Gwen yelled.

"I don't think heather would like if I spared you." Courtney yelled back.

"Courtney if you abuse me I'll.."

Gwen was interrupted by Courtney "I'm not abusing you dummy, I'm making sure Trent is mine."

"And why?" Gwen said,

"To make you feel like how you made me feel," Courtney said and pushed Gwen to the ground. Courtney walked out of the doors of the school.

Since then, Courtney spread rumors of how "horrible Gwen was" and Gwen became extremely hated, Trent stayed away from gwen for a long time.

Until Zoey slapped some sense into Courtney and Courtney broke up with Trent, but still Courtney wouldn't change the students minds.

"Make up your mind, Gwen! Are you a good person or not!" Heather had said to Gwen and then heather slapped Gwen. 

End of flashback



I know it's a very short chapter but it took me a long time to write the backstory. 

Chapter 20 whooooop!


Bye chinchillies!

Angel Chinchilla 😇

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