Chapter Seven: Confessions (almost)

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Last time on 'a fractured friendship':

"Hey, Gwen, can you meet me by the swings after recess?" Trent asked, cheeks getting a little pink.

"Sure." Gwen said, blushing also.

And Trent went back to his bros.


Gwen and Trent Met by the swings, you could see the tension in the air already. 

Gwen fiddled with her hair, Trent scratched the back of his neck. 

"So, was your day?" Trent asked.

"Fine. How was yours?" Gwen answered.


There was an awkward science before Trent spoke up.

"Gwen..I think I...I"

Trent was interrupted by a air horn through the speakers.

(Underline Means Announcement through loudspeakers)

"Helllllo Students! I am your new principal Mr McClain! And I just wanted to interrupt all of you because you SUCK. Hahahaha! All Seniors Report to the gym this INSANT! McClain Out!" 

"We'll finish this up later.." Trent said before walking away.

"Trent! Wait!" Gwen called, but he didn't hear her. She sighed and looked down. 

Gwen felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Zoey. 

"Hi." Gwen said

"Hey. I had a talk with Trent at the party." Zoey said.

"I heard."

"It wasn't awkward at all. I only want to tell you, he feels bad for you. He's not angry or upset or anything." 

"Good. Thanks Zoey."

"Your Welcome." 

Heather walked over to them and smiled.

"Hi Weird Goth Girl." Heather said.

"Leave her alone, you already did enough damage at the party!" Zoey defended Gwen.

"Oh, little goth is embarrassed because I revealed she has a crush on Elvis?" Heather said mockingly.

"Yes. Now leave her alone." 

Heather rolled her eyes, Alejandro appeared out of nowhere and flung heather on his shoulder and walked away. He winked at her, then Zoey, Zoey winked back.

"You're working with Alejandro?" Gwen asked, surprised.

"Only to shut Heather up, I agreed that I would help set him up with Heather afterward." Zoey said.

"Makes sense." 

Zoey and Gwen walked into the school again when the recess bell rang. Zoey had to go to Music. Trent was in music also. Gwen took out her diary and started to write in it. 

"Miss Malinda?" The teacher asked. Gwen looked up and saw her teacher in front of her desk.

"Yes?" Gwen asked quietly.

"Give me your diary, it's not allowed in class." 

Hesitantly, Gwen gave the teacher her diary.

"Now, if you think your diary is more important then the class, I think it's fitting I read the page out loud, is it?" 

Gwen was silent, already starting to worry.

"'Dear Diary,

Trent was about to tell me something by the swing sets, It got interrupted by the bell. Thank goodness Zoey is working with Alejandro to shut Heather up so she doesn't Blab out the events of last night's truth or dare party. If I had not gone, no one would know about my crush on Trent.'" The teacher read, "Now where were we? Yes, Algebra!" 

Gwen was starting to cry, she put he head on her desk and was starting to shudder with tears. Everyone in the class was shocked. Gwen knew she needed to stop crying, she knew everyone was staring at her.

" Can I take Gwen to the bathroom?" Somebody asked.

Gwen looked up, Bridgette was waving her hand, Gwen was touched. 

"Fine." The teacher muttered. 

Bridgette took Gwen out in the hall. About everybody Gwen knew was in that class! Gwen felt like throwing up. And when she went to the bathroom, she did. Bridgette rushed out to get the nurse and the janitor. When everything was taken care of, Bridgette and Courtney agreed to walk Gwen home.

"Why is everything so unfair?" Gwen asked, she had her satchel and water bottle.

"You're just having the worst luck." Bridgette said.

"I'm gonna get my lawyers to knock some sense into this teacher!" Courtney said.

"That's...really...unnecessary...but thank you, Courtney."  Gwen said.

"I called my mom, I can stay with you so you won't be bored." Courtney said.

Gwen couldn't ask for better friends. She was so groggy she didn't notice a huge crack in the sidewalk. She tripped over it, and a sharp stick cut a hole in her leg. Courtney and Bridgette gasped. Courtney called 911. It was a pretty big hole.

Angel Chinchilla here!

This rabbit hole is pretty deep, huh? (That's a metaphor.)

Now Gwen has a hole in her leg, and just threw up, she really does have the worst luck, see what happens next!

Angel  Chinchilla 😇 

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