Chapter Sixteen: Talent show part three

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Last time on 'a fractured friendship':

 the song ended. Gwen was a blushing mess. Bridgette was looking at Gwen, making her "awweeee!" Face. The audience was touched, some were crying with joy as the song was very beautiful. Even heather was touched, she has a heart of gold (Alejandro has the right pickaxe 😏). Gwen saw Trent outside in the hallway.

"I'm gonna go.." Gwen said.

"But Sierra is obsessing over Cody right in the middle of the skit!" Bridgette said.

"It'll just be for a minute!" Gwen said as she ran out of the door. 


Gwen opened the door out of the drama room and saw Trent kneeling on the floor beneath his locker.

She slowly walked up to him her boots making click click sound like a clock. 

Trent turned around and saw her. They both stared into each other's eyes. 

Gwen felt a pang of guilt. But then she saw a reassuring smile on his face. And then felt better.

"Gwen?" Trent said.

"Hey..that song was really good." gwen said scooting her boot on the floor, blushing.

"Thanks." Trent said, blushing also.

"I am sorry about the whole Duncan thing." Gwen looked down.

Trent got up, "We already talked about this, Gwen, I forgive you." 

"But I don't!" Gwen said, falling onto her knees. 

Trent immediately got down next to her.

"I can't forgive myself, leaving you was the most stupid decision in my life! And it's all my fault! I'm a Villian!" Gwen didn't care she was sobbing. 

Trent gave her a big bear hug and for once in her life, Gwen knew this was what she wanted. 

"Hey. Nobody's perfect. Do you remember when I obsessed over the number nine?" 

Gwen looked up, "Yeah."

"I wish I could have been a better boyfriend to you then. And you made up for that thing you did with all the good things you have done. You saved Courtney's life didn't you?" 

"Yeah." Gwen answered

"You apologized to everyone, didn't you?"


"You apologized to me, Didn't you?"

Gwen smiled, "Yeah!" 

"That's what matters." Trent said, he lifted Gwen's chin up and stared into her eyes, They were sparking like the summer night.

They always did.

"I love you Gwen..." Trent whispered.

"I love you to Trent.." Gwen whispered back. 

For the first time in years, they shared another kiss. It felt like they were teenagers again. To be honest, each other was the only thing that kept them sane on that wretched island. They parted and stared into each other's eyes.

"Awww!" Said a high voice behind them.

They turned around and saw Zoey.

They jumped off each other and blushed madly.

"Oh, that's nothing to be ashamed of." Zoey said.

Gwen smiled and she and Trent got up.

Zoey hugged Gwen, "You're not a villain."

"Thank you guys." Gwen said to Zoey and Trent.

Zoey, Gwen and Trent went back into the drama room. The show was ending as Sierra was running backstage with Cody in her arms and Noah chasing after her. The audience clapped as the curtain fell.


It's Angel chinchilla!

Trent: That was so sweet!

Zoey: Aw, I'm crying...*genuine smile*

Gwen: Aww. That's so nice!

Heather: Whatever,


Hey that's my line!


Angel Chinchilla 😇 & Cast Members

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