Chapter Six: Back to School

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Brrrring Brrrring!

Gwen's alarm. She didn't want to go to school. But her mom would freak. She had to go. She got out of bed and changed into a Blue sweater and black jeans, brushed her hair, and got her bag. She was tired. Tired and upset. She looked at the school when she got there. She didn't want to enter Total Drama High School.

But she had to.

Gwen walked in and saw Heather immediately snickering at her. Alejandro then dipped Heather, she blushed and pushed him away. Gwen saw Sierra, who was fangirling like usual. And then she saw Trent. He walked up to her. She blushed.

"Hey, Gwen? I am sorry about the whole truth or dare thing. I would like it if we could still be friends?" Trent said.

Gwen looked down. She was about to answer when Duncan leaned on her, "How are you and  Elvis?" He said And smirked. 

Gwen blushed madly and fiddled with her hair. 

"Lay off her!" Courtney appeared out of nowhere and kicked Duncan in the jewels.

"It was just a joke!" Duncan whimpered while panting in pain.

Courtney grabbed Gwen's hand and  lead her to her locker. 

"He friend-zoned me." Gwen said.

"I'm sorry, I don't think he meant to." Courtney said. 

"I wish I could just put this all behind me."

"Then why don't you?"

"I CAN'T. Heather is all up In my face!"

"My great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother was named Heather, and in fact she-" Staci started to say

"SHUT UP!" Gwen and Courtney yelled. 

Gwen said bye to Courtney and walked to her first class. Math. She hates this class today, Heather, Alejandro, Trent, and Sierra are all in it. Zoey is in it to though. She waited as Miss a Mack blabbed about fractions for fourty-five minutes strait (a new record) and walked outside for lunch when it was done (the school has a weird schedule.) Trent walked up to her as she was about to start eating her apple.

"Hey, Gwen, can you meet me by the swings after recess?" Trent asked, cheeks getting a little pink.

"Sure." Gwen said, blushing also.

And Trent went back to his bros.

Next Chapter, you will find out what The meeting near the Swings will be. See u then! Also thank you for 40 reads 😊.

From Angel chinchilla 😇 

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