Chapter 15: Talent Show Part 2

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It was time for the talent show. Gwen sat in the very back of the bleachers. Yes they had bleachers inside. It's a very tall room. Gwen knew Trent and Ella were in the show, but she didn't know the rest. She looked at the list tacked onto a wooden pillar in the room.

Talent show Order:

1. Ella-Song

2. Tyler-yo-yo 

3. Geoff-Skateboarding 

4. Heather-ballet

5. Anne Maria-Modeling

6. Max-villainous cackle

7. Courtney-Juggling

8. Zoey and Mike (Svetlana)-acrobatics

9.  Trent-Song

10. Cody, Noah, and Sierra-skit 

After Gwen read the list she smiled. Trent was performance number nine, he must be happy about that. But she sat down immediately.

Bridgette sat next to her.

"Hi Gwen! This is gonna be awesome!" Bridgette said.

"I have a feeling the Noah Cody and Sierra skit is gonna end badly." Gwen said, giggling. 

"Geoff is gonna do awesome." Bridgette said dreamily.

"Zoey and Svetlana, aka Mike, sound awesome too."

"Svetlana! She's my favorite. I didn't know Mike had his personalities back!" Bridgette perked up.

"Everyone except Mal. He's deceased." Gwen said.

Suddenly, the lights turned off, and everyone was in their seats.

Mr. McLean, the principal, walked up on stage.

"Hello Students." He said through some loudspeakers, "The talent show will begin as soon as everyone is in their seats, LOSERS."

Everyone sat down.

"Okay morons. First act....





Ella!" He didn't seam very excited.

Ella bounced up on stage, her dress looking sparkly.

"Hello Audience!" She said, "My sing is titled 'Rainbow Birds'!"

"Rainbow birds flit to and fro, 

To and fro, to and fro,

Everyday I see it glow,

See it glow see it glow,


I love animalsssssss!

Walking with a bear,
it doesn't matter where.
The sun is out,
and I haven't got a care.

Hey there, little girl or fella,
if you came over here,
it would be mighty swellaaaaa!

We're right where we belong,
with an oink and a song!
We are moving right along to the song!

Me and my friend, bear,
BFFs beyond compare.
Dancing and swimming without a care.

I believe...Smiles can help with trials and tribulations!


"Well that the next act!






Tyler came up onto the stage and long story short he messed everything up. The next acts were pretty cool. Geoff looked pretty cool skateboarding. Courtney did great at juggling tomatoes,Duncan thought so. The Zoey and Svetlana act was a crowd pleaser. Heather was fine. Anne Maria and Max were just annoying.

Then it was Trents turn. 

As he walked onto the stage, he shot Gwen a glance, she could feel the  blush rising up her cheeks as she waved to him. 

(Quick Note! I am using this song from Tangled the Series, third season. Have any if you seen it? I was crediting them this is not a song I made!)

"I call this song Give Anything." Trent said.........

"I know we've grown apart, I breaks my heart in two,

I miss your company, the closeness we once knew,

I won't pretend to know just what you're going through...

But I'd give anything for you.

Yes I'd give anything to relive everything with you..."

The first verse ended as some music played, Gwen had a realization moment as she figured out who the sing was about. She locked eyes with Trent, blushing profoundly. 

Trent looked into Gwen's eyes. They were very sparkly. At this moment, he wished Gwen was still his...

"So if find that you're in darkness or despair,

Though you won't turn to me please know I'll be right there,

Name any sacrifice, I'd pay the price that's due,

Cause I'd give anything for you.

Yes I'd give anything to relive every thing we kneeeeew!

Yes, I'd give anything for you.." 

the song ended. Gwen was a blushing mess. Bridgette was looking at Gwen, making her "awweeee!" Face. The audience was touched, some  were crying with joy as the song was very beautiful. Even heather was touched, she has a heart of gold (Alejandro has the right pickaxe 😏). Gwen saw Trent outside in the hallway.

"I'm gonna go.." Gwen said.

"But Sierra is obsessing over Cody right in the middle of the skit!" Bridgette said.

"It'll just be for a minute!" Gwen said as she ran out of the door. 


It's so cuteeeee!

Trent: I know! That song you made me sing is so beautiful!

Heather: Why did you make me touched?!

Trent I kooow! And heather, because I can >:)

See you next time!

Gwen: Wait what's gonna happen? Are me and Trent gonna get back together?!

Trent: I hope so.

Gwen: o///o

Well you'll just have to see in the next fractured friendship chapter!

Angel Chinchilla 😇 & Cast Members

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