Chapter 17: Proooooom

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Gwen walked down the hall and saw all of the students gossiping and talking and holding giant binders. All of them were cut short when there was an air horn through the speakers.

"HELLO STUDENTS. it's your principal Mr.Melean! The prom is coming up! Ask your cruuuushes out! Hahahah!"  

Gwen rolled her eyes, but meanwhile Trent was flooded with ideas of how to ask Gwen out to prom. He looked at Geoff  who was next to him and motioned for him to come to the bathroom.

In the bathroom Geoff asked,

"What's going on man?" 

"Do roses sound good?" Trent asked.

"Huh?" Geoff asked.

"For the prom, I want to ask Gwen out." 

"Ooooh~" Geoff smiled, "Roses sound okay, but for it, I'm thinking of getting bridge a new surfboard and I might get Gwen to paint waves on it." 

"Gwen would probably be more than happy to do that." Trent laughed. Then It came to him.

"Dude? You okay?" Geoff asked.

"Yep! I know what I want to do." Trent said. 

I now know what to do

Gwen walked down the hall faster. She didn't want to miss her next class. All of a sudden she bumped into the last person she wanted to see.

"Gwen!" Heather scolded.

"What?" Gwen asked.

"You will pay for what you did to courtney."

"All of those years ago? Courtney has already forgiven me." 

"But I haven't."

Heather grabbed Gwen's hand and dragged her to a locker that had been empty for months.  

"Let go of me!" Gwen said struggling.

"No!" Heather stuffed Gwen into her locker and slammed the door shut. All heather was feeling though, was pure cold-hearted jealousy.

"HEATHER THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY!" Gwen screamed. Gwen jiggled the lock, trying to get out, but heather had locked it.

Gwen's senses heightened and she felt the space closing in. She then freaked out inside her head. She was incredibly claustrophobic. It was dark in the locker and there was barely enough room for Gwen to stand in it. After five minutes of freaking out, Gwen decided to think about what had happened that she knew but never thought about. 

She remembered that Courtney dumped Duncan for Scott. And Gwen was extremely unhappy about that. 

Suddenly, she heard footsteps. And her heart immediately started beating, and she shivered in fear, wondering who it was. 

"Pappy said rats are the man's pests." A extremely annoying voice said.

Scott. Gwen had forgot his locker was close to the one she was in.

"Courtney is finally mine, Duncan, and there is nothing that you can do  about it." Scott said again.

"I can to do something about it!" Gwen heard Duncan yell.

Gwen realized she was hearing Scott and Duncan right about Courtney, she sure was listening to this.

"I will protect her, and you can't make her be your princess!" Duncan yelled.

Aww. He called her his princess  Gwen thought. 

"Too bad, I know that's your dumb nickname for her, but she will be mine at the end. And you can count on it." Scott said.

Gwen heard Duncan pounce onto Scott and then she heard noises she couldn't identify. Gwne didn't want to listen to this anymore. Finally, the steps receded away and Gwen was alone. She looked around herself and saw the dark and hard walls of the locker. She sat down and sighed.

"It can't get worse than this." Gwen whispered to herself. 



I know this chapter was hella short, but I seriously was having the chills writing this I can't imagine being in Gwen's place. 

Sooo what did you think of the new chapter!

Shout out to melissa102201

All of their comments make me laugh, thank you for your nice comments on my stories, Melissa.

C U all later!

Angel Chinchilla 😇

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