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( imagine you're at school you're usually quiet and don't talk very much but that changes when Tom sits by you) .

Roses POV: I sat writing things down in my notebook like I always did on Tuesday mornings, minding my own business when all of a sudden the desk shook and I felt someone else sit down I quickly shut my notebook and pushed it aside hiding it under my arms.
Tom: hi' I say when I make eye contact with the girl I haven't ever seen speak since I saw her on the first day of school'
Rose: hey I say rather quickly then I stand up and start putting my stuff away and I grab my bag then I quickly walk to leave the room ' tom: hey wait I didn't mean to scare you if I did rose: you didn't scare me I just umm, I get nervous when I talk to people I quickly say tom: Is that why you don't talk very much rose: yeah that's why.
Tom: that makes a lot more sense I Didn't mean to make you nervous or anything rose: you're fine I just I have to go tom: but it's not even ( bell rings ) rose: I look at him with a shy smile
Tom: Good point, I chuckle scratching the back of my neck well uh I'll see you around rose: I nod see you around tom, and with that, I leave.
Tom: I wanted to say something but I just didn't have it in me but I had to know how she knew my name but I didn't know hers.
( later on at lunch). Rose: I sat eating an apple while reading my book when I heard a clammer and then I looked up to see Tom, Tom: Mind if I sit with you rose: you just don't give up do you I say whenever he sits down
Tom: not really no I smile rose: why are you so insistent on getting to know me ' I'm not special Tom: yes you are because everyone is special in their ways, rose: and I suppose you know everyone don't you Tom: yeah pretty much or I'd like to get to know everyone if they'd just let me instead of having these walls up all the time rose: I don't have walls up all the time
Tom: yes you do rose I smirk, rose: hey how do you know my name I question tom: I have perks to knowing everyone in this school rose: If you wanted to know my name I would have just given it to you you didn't have to ask around tom: well you didn't exactly give me time before I even got a few sentences out you were gone rose: I know and I'm sorry for that I just I don't know how to act around certain people that's all. Especially you
Tom: me ' come on I'm probably the easiest to get along with in this school since it's so messed up, especially the kids that are here it's like no one cares about getting a good education rose: you know Tom you didn't strike me as caring about your education
Tom: yeah well ' maybe you should talk to me more and you'll find out more interesting things about me rose: alright fine if all you wanna do is hang out I'll hang out with you ok Tom: thank you I'll hang out with you this weekend rose: ok what about Saturday at 1 pm Tom: I nod rose: I shake my head then I pick my book up off of the table that I dropped Tom: so you like reading books huh
Rose: yeah something like that I say as I close it bookmarking my place Tom: what's it about the rose: it's about a girl who never usually talks and has very few friends tom: that's ironic considering the circumstances I chuckle rose: yeah it is I laugh then I quickly stop Tom: was that a laugh I just heard rose: I guess so why Tom: never heard you laugh that's the first rose: I laugh again. I'll see you Saturday tom and I get up leaving but not before hearing him shout ' I'll see you then to I just shake my head and keep walking laughing to myself.

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