the maquaids

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( Imagine Tom is undercover at a school again, and him and Doug are the McQuaid brothers, hehe )

Tom, does anyone know a room 201! I shout. "

Doug said, " Yeah, we're looking for it, and anyone who doesn't help us is gonna end up in the bathroom with us, and it won't be pretty."

Gia" J looked at everyone else, and no one came forward, so I stepped forward in front of them."

Tom" aah, that's more like it. See, this girl doesn't wanna be messed with. I say now all of you idiots get to class, and when I say that everyone starts disappearing."

Gia" uh question before I help you guys "

Doug" sure peaches anything."

Gia, " Weren't you guys in jail last time?"

Tom" Nope, you must be thinking of different brothers now come on help us "

Gia" Ok, come on, I have room 201, so I know the way I say. "

Tom" Hey, what's your name, by the way? "

Gia" Oh well, glad one of you has manners it's Gia Silverstone, and I know you're brothers, but what's your name? "

Doug" I'm Doug and he's Thomas but he goes by Tom " .

Gia, it's nice to meet you guys. "

Tom" You a rich girl cause you're last name sounds fancy "

Gia, " My parents are rich, yes, actually."

Tom" ok, so is this it I say, pointing at the door in front of us, "

Gia" Yes, it is, and I turn knocking on the door, then I open it, walking in with doug and Tom,"

Teacher" and where have you all been? " .

Gia, " These boys were lost. I was just helping them get here, sir,"

Teacher" well Gia you know my policy, and it doesn't excuse late students, so you get to detention for that."

Tom" uh sir that hardly doesn't seem fair she was just showing us around -"

Teacher" Can it McQuaid, or you're getting a detention as well?"

Tom" Well Mr Harrison, you'll just have to give me one. I smile."

Mr Harrison " alright fine make sure you're way down to the principals office he'll show you to a room that's all about good behavior." 

Tom" ok orange face we'll do that I say bowing then I grab Gia and leave the classroom before the paint bomb explodes " 

Gia" We get out of the classroom and I hear a boom and I just turn around quickly seeing what happened and Mr Harrison had an orange face just like Tom said and I couldn't help I laughed then I felt Tom grab me and pull me away ".

                     ( time skip )

Tom" Well, looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while," I say, throwing a plastic ball at the wall, and it comes back to me every time."

Gia" Thanks for standing up to Mr Harrison Tom you didn't have to."

Tom" he doesn't have to treat you like that. I did you a favor, sweetheart, and I wink at her  "

Gia" I laugh you're funny and people say you're so bad here well I don't think you're all that bad you just show people that side of you " .

Tom" Well, can I tell you a secret, but first I gotta know if I can trust you enough?"

Gia" I won't tell a soul, I promise."

Tom" ok, I'm a police officer."

Gia" what? Wait, are you really? "

Tom" Yes, I am, and I take my badge out showing it to her then I put it away again so no one will notice "

Gia" wow that's so cool but like what are you doing here at a school? "

Tom" Well I'm here undercover I'm investigating a case I'm making sure no kids are doing drugs "

Gia" Oh wow " .

Tom" but I can trust you right you'll tell no one "

Gia" I'll never tell a soul so is you're brother Doug one as well "

Tom" yeah he's a cop to "

Gia" that's so cool "

Tom" yeah I suppose it is I smile " .

               ( a week later )

Gia" I was walking out of school and when I did I started looking around for my parents car but of course they weren't here yet as usual so then I just walked over and sat down on a bench and not long after I sat down I heard a honk so I looked up and Tom got out of a blue mustang and I just smiled at him "

Tom" Hey Gia I say walking over to her "

Gia" hey hanson " .

Tom" waiting on your parents again? "

Gia" it seems to be that way yes "

Tom" Well what do you say to going bowling with me" .

Gia" Tom I can't what if they- "

Tom" it's ok I'll have you home in time now come on or I'm gonna carry you to my car "

Gia" Ok fine but one match this time last time it was one to many I chuckle " .

Tom" Okie dokie " .

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