Wedding part 1

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( imagine you and Tom go to a wedding but it doesn't turn out how you expected it to go) .

Ellie: I had finally just got done pulling all the curlers out of my hair and fixing it to where I wanted it to be positioned, and after I was done I looked into a mirror and applied my lipstick
Tom: Ellie you done yet I say popping my head into the bathroom
Ellie: yea I'm done Tommy I say smiling at him
Tom: good because we're gonna be late I chuckle Ellie: oh shut up we're right on time I say giggling to me tom: yeah I know I was joking I say and I kiss her cheek when I pull away I look at her with adoration
Ellie: what I say chuckling at him when I see him looking at me tom: do you not see how beautiful you are ' Ellie: I shake my head no
Tom: it's a shame because you look amazing sweetheart Ellie: I blush alright we're gonna be late tom: right I grab my keys then my jacket put them on

Ellie: I had finally just got done pulling all the curlers out of my hair and fixing it to where I wanted it to be positioned, and after I was done I looked into a mirror and applied my lipstick Tom: Ellie you done yet I say popping my head into t...

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( Ellie's dress )
( what Tom is wearing )

( at the wedding) Ellie: Once we were there, I made sure my makeup wasn't messed up and then I got out of toms mustang and we walked hand in hand to the reception where the after-party would be held and once there I saw Judy and I immediately let ...

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( at the wedding)
Ellie: Once we were there, I made sure my makeup wasn't messed up and then I got out of toms mustang and we walked hand in hand to the reception where the after-party would be held and once there I saw Judy and I immediately let go of Tom to go and talk to her.

Ellie: Judy I say loudly ' and she looks my way Judy: oh Ellie you made it Ellie: Of course, I wouldn't miss your wedding for the world I smile and then I hug her pulling back afterward Judy: where's Hanson I have to see him ' Ellie: he's over probably at the snack table I chuckle Judy: ok you go talk to some people who are here ok fuller and Doug and Ioki their all over there I point Ellie: I look overseeing them I nod my head to her and I make my way over there.
Ellie: As I walked up Doug saw me and he smiled
Doug: guys Ellie is here I say and we all turn to her
Fuller: Ellie how are you I haven't seen you in a while
Ellie: yes it has been quite a while I say smiling, I've been good and you fuller: oh I've been great same old me and paperwork and cases at jump street how's Tom
Ellie: tom is good I smile fuller: your still keeping him on his feet aren't you,
Tom: that she is captain Ellie: I feel tom beside me and I smile at fuller: that's good I only want what is best for my officer's tom: thank you, captain, I smile, ( loud bang happens ). Tom: get down everyone I shout and everyone does then I get done as well and I pull my gun out ' looking over next to me I see Doug and fuller do the same thing and we all watch the scene
Man: you're all gonna die no one is having this wedding I shout! And If anyone moves I shoot this lovely girl right here I say and I pull her up pointing my gun at her throat Ellie: I squirm under his hold but I do as he's told because I didn't wanna die and I was too scared to do anything then I make eye contact with Tom and he seems frozen like a deer caught in headlights and I just gulped I hoped he'd come up with a plan soon because I didn't really wanna die I never wanted to die.

Fuller: Hanson I say nudging his shoulder
Tom: what I finally say fuller: we gotta do something we can't just lay here pointing our guns at the dude who's crazy tom: sorry sir I'm trying to think fuller: look I know he has your girlfriend but you can't let that distract you, or be your weak point you have to get it together ok Tom: I know I say then I jump up and I start shooting at the man
Man: ow fuck I say as I fall on the ground with my knee shot Tom: I quickly run over to Ellie who's also on the ground I kneel beside her, Ellie: Tom I say and I grab onto him hugging him aggressively because I was scared half to death
Tom: it's ok shhh I'm here I say and I hug her back then I pull back smiling at her Ellie: look out I suddenly say tom: what I say in shock Ellie: I watch as Tom gets knocked out by the man who's now injured so I go and grab toms gun pointing it at him
Man: I shoot her Ellie: I scream falling over and then I look down a deep shade of red comes through my green dress, fuller: I shoot the guy a few times and after he's dead we all run over to Tom and Ellie.

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