scary movie

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( imagine you're at a movie theater and you get scared of the movie and Tom holds you're hand ) 

Jasmine: " My friend dragged me all the way to a movie that I don't even wanna watch and now I have to sit through it just great I think to myself as we all sit in our seats and wait for the movie to start " .

Lilly: " just relax Jasmine you'll be fine it's not even that scary " .

Jasmine: " you always purposely pick super scary movies to watch I say as I glare over at her , then the movie starts so I focus on my attention onto the screen " . 

( time skip )

Jasmine: " Half way through the movie I was jumping and trying not to throw my popcorn on Lilly because the movie had a ton of jump scares ' of course she never noticed I was scared because she was too interested in the movie so I just sat there occasionally flinching and jumping in my seat until a voice finally said ". 

Tom: " hey "

Jasmine: " I looked over to the opposite side of me and I saw a young guy he looked almost about my age but I could tell he was older then me and he was quite handsome too I tried not to blush under his stare " .

" hi I said "

Tom: " are you alright I've noticed you've jumped alot through out this movie " .

Jasmine: " eh I just don't like scary movies I say as I jump again " .

Tom: " well I know I'm a total stranger but I'll chat with you so you won't get scared if that helps at all " .

Jasmine: " actually that would thank you and when he sits down beside me I shake his hand I'm Jasmine " .

Tom: " I'm Tom and I shake her hand back " .

Jasmine: " so do you like scary movies I say as I flinch when the next scene plays "

Tom: " not really I was never a big fan of them but I'm here because I'm bored I chuckle ' what's you're excuse I ask her as I eat a piece of popcorn " .

Jasmine: " My friend dragged me and I've told her I hate these types of movies but she doesn't care "

Tom: " wow some friend she is I chuckle
" .

Jasmine: " she doesn't normally do this I say and I flinch again " .

Tom: " since her attention wasn't fully off of the scares I decided plan b and I gently slid my hand on top of hers and I just looked at the screen hoping she didn't notice " .

( another time skip )

Jasmine: " After the dreadful movie finally ended I went to get up and as I went to grab the empty popcorn thing I noticed Tom's hand was on top of mine and I blushed and hopefully he didn't notice me blushing " .

Tom: " well uh it was good to meet you Jasmine I hope I helped you not be scared I say scratching my nose awkwardly " .

Jasmine: " you helped alot thanks bye Tom " .

Tom: " bye Jasmine I say smiling then I make my way out of the room " . 

Lilly: " who was that I say nudging Jasmine " .

Jasmine: " just a stranger I say and me and Lilly then leave the theater " .

I made Tom out to be a creep lol I didn't mean to hope ya'll like this sorry if it's bad . :)

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