( A Part 2 was requested by cherrybabeluv so here it is, lol )
Lisa: " Man, you guys are aggressive. And I'm shoved against a wall as one of them puts handcuffs on me. "
Cop: " we've been through this before. Maybe we wouldn't be so aggressive if you would stop getting into trouble. "
Lisa: " I can't help it. Alright, I like getting into trouble. I smirk,"
Cop: " yeah whatever come on, I'm taking you to Officer Hansen .
Lisa: " I perk up wait! Officer Hanson, I smile. How is he doing? I haven't seen him in forever, " .
Cop: " You'll find out now. Come on, I say, and I pull her to the car.
( time skip )
Tom: " I'm looking over a case file when I hear a familiar voice, and it's a female one I know too well and one that's been here before... I sigh as I look up, seeing Lisa she's over there talking to a cop once again in handcuffs, and I shake my head. "
Lisa: " Tommy boy, I say cheerfully as his cop buddy walks me over to him."
Tom: " Lisa, what did I say last time? "
Lisa: " Uh, you said something along the lines of" Don't get arrested again. I don't know. I can't really remember. I smile, touching a button, his shirt , "
Tom: " Last time I let you off, I gave you a freebie now this time. I'm not so sure."
Lisa: " Tom relax I'm only in here because I wanna see you again and this time it was stupid one of my asshole friends got me in trouble they put something in my bag and they once again thought I was shoplifting it's bull shit man " .
Tom: " Ok, so you expect me to just let you off the hook again? "
Lisa: " Well, I didn't do anything, so yeah, pretty much."
Tom: " I roll my eyes than I go behind her, and I take the key, uncuffing her, then I grab her arm."
Lisa: " Hey, I thought I was free. I groaned."
Tom: " You are now just patient because I'm taking you somewhere we're gonna have a chat."
Lisa: " Oh, come really don't want another one of your long ass pep talks."
Tom: " Come on, Lisa, I say, and I grab her hand, pulling her out the door.
Lisa: " So are we there yet, I say? Clueless as to where we're going ,
Tom: " You really aren't a patient person. Are you I chuckle?"
Lisa: " Tom, I just wanna know where we're going . "
Tom: " Chill out we're here, I say, and I park, turning the car off."
Lisa: " Uh, where is here? "
Tom: " I then motion my head in that way."
Lisa: " I look where he's looking, and I gasp its a waterfall. What's the big deal I say, looking back at him ? "
Tom: " Alright Mrs cocky pants, it's a waterfall, yes, but it's a place for reflection as well, and me and you, well, mainly you are gonna reflect. I wink,"
Lisa: " Oh no, this is worse. I say , "
Tom: " I'm just fucking with you we aren't reflecting instead of that we're just gonna sit here "
Lisa: " I look over at him have you officially lost it? "
Tom: " Maybe"
Lisa: " I laugh shaking my head to myself you never fail to make me laugh Hansen "
Tom: " Seriously though, why did you get in trouble today unless you were telling the truth which I don't believe it was the truth... "
Lisa: " I already told you this it's because I wanted to see you again. I mean, have you seen you? I don't know any girl who doesn't wanna see that every day I smirk. "
Tom: " I shake my head you're a real piece of work "
Lisa: " But you love me, I smile .
Tom: " Stop getting into trouble Lisa I'm serious this time next time it'll be worse "
Lisa: " come on tom don't lie you like seeing me there every day "
Tom: " Lisa I say giving her a stern look I'm serious I really don't wanna see you end up getting sent away for 25 years "
Lisa: " pft fine I say annoyed and I look away " .
Tom: " There are other ways you can see me it doesn't always have to result into getting into trouble you know If you wanted my number all along you could of asked "
Lisa: " well can I have your number then? "
Tom: " of course and I hand her a slip of paper with it on it "
Lisa: " man how long have you had this? I say taking it from him seeing dust on it "
Tom: " A long time if I'm being honest "
Lisa: " you were just waiting for me to ask weren't you I smirk "
Tom: " I'm not admitting anything I say smirking back at her " .
Lisa: " you dick I laugh and I hit him playfully in his arm but before I can move away he pulls me into him and I just look at him with a look "
Tom: " I am going to admit something and hopefully you won't laugh at me I say starting to get nervous "
Lisa: " yeah? "
Tom: " I really like you and I'd like to take you out on a proper date instead of seeing you at my work place every day can you manage to stay out of trouble long enough for that? "
Lisa: " I think I can manage that I smile "
Tom: " okie dokie then "
Lisa: " I chuckle and than I sit up and I lean in planting a soft kiss on Tom's lips "
Tom: " I lean into the kiss pulling her closer to me "
( after a few mins )
Lisa: " to be quite honest I say pulling away I never thought you would of actually started to take a liking to me "
Tom: " why do you say that "
Lisa: " because I'm not exactly the most gorgeous girl ever I figured you already had a girlfriend "
Tom: " nah never I've been alone most of my life sure i had a couple of flings but nothing ever serious I smile " .
Lisa: " good to know because you're mine now I say and I kiss him again " .
Hope you liked it let me know what you think :)

Tom Hanson one shots
Short StoryThese are just short one shots I'm writing about Tommy :)