( inspired by the hot weather today in my area, lmao )
Stephanie: " Man, it's so hot today. I say, sighing holding a cold ice pack I found somewhere in the freezer that I never knew this place had in their basement I mean this place is practically an old church but hey it keeps surprising me "
Tom: " I really can't take this. Why did I agree to work today... " .
Stephanie: " Because saving people is more important than you being too hot or not."
Tom: " So you're saying I'm hot,"
Stephanie: " You know exactly what I'm saying, hanson. I laugh. "
Tom: " I had to try, and I sit down in my chair, grabbing a grape and popping it into my mouth. "
Stephanie: " Hey, since when was there snacking on this job? "
Tom: " I'm hungry. I never had breakfast. I was thia close to being really late this morning, and I hold my fingers closer together."
Stephanie: " You late? I'd like to see that for once because you're never late. "
Tom: " haha funny I say sarcastically, and I eat another grape."
Stephanie: " Seriously, man, please pass me a grape. I'm dying over here, and I fan myself dramatically,"
Tom: " I know it's like 80 degrees, but you are very dramatic. I chuckle, and I get up, walking over. I hand her some grapes, and then I go back and sit down again."
Stephanie: " As long as it gets me a grape, I'll be as dramatic as possible. I smile, and I eat one."
Tom: " I shake my head."
Doug: " If fuller doesn't get fans in here, I'm gonna die."
Ioki: " That would be great if he did, but I doubt it. "
Judy: " I don't care what he does, but I'm gonna have a word with him if he doesn't because this is ridiculous it's been like a week without cooler air in here , "
Stephanie: " Ok, that's it, I say, and I stand up eating my last grape,"
Tom: " Uh, what are you doing, Steph? "
Stephanie: " I'm simply gonna tell fuller our complaints, and maybe he'll do something. I mean, we can't sit here and dehydrate for so many hours."
Doug: " I don't know if that's a good idea."
Stephanie: " Well, I'm doing it. I don't care if he gets mad, I say, "
Fuller: " And what will I be getting mad about? Stephanie "
Stephanie: " captian, I say smiling, uh well."
Tom: " I quickly pick a newspaper up and start reading it whistling to myself."
Doug: " Anyone hungry? I was thinking we could get some pizza afterward somewhere, ya know, and I look at Judy and ioki. "
Judy: " Oh yeah, I'm dying for some pizza. What about you, Ioki? " .
Ioki: " Oh yeah, pizza sounds great. I cough, clearing my throat.
Stephanie: " Ok, for crying out loud it's the air. We're all very hot, and it's super hot and stuffy in here. Can't we do something about it? "
Fuller: " So that's what you all were talking about over here,"
Doug; " we don't wanna complain, captain, we're just very hot, and you know it gets."
Fuller: " Yeah, I know well, guys. I'll see about it getting fixed, but for now, you'll just have to run fans."
Stephanie: " Thank god."
Tom: " Alright, so what about pizza because I'm actually wanting that now,"
Fuller: " Yeah, let's all go get something to eat. Get out of this hot place."
Stephanie: " Don't have to tell me twice, and I get up heading for the exit like hanson is.
Lol hope ya'll like this one it's another random one I thought of :)

Tom Hanson one shots
Short StoryThese are just short one shots I'm writing about Tommy :)