Help part 3 ending

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After about a few weeks rose started getting used to everything and she started getting used to being around Tom but that was shortly gonna end.                 Rose: I laid wrapped up in a blanket in the spare room tom had given me and I just laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling Tom: rose I say knocking softly and I open her door peeking my head in the room when I don't get a reply rose: hmm I answer tom: I wanted to let you know I found you a foster home rose: I then sat up at those words and I just looked at him Tom: what I say walking more into the room rose: a foster home tom and you didn't even say anything to me until now tom: yeah because I was waiting for the right time to tell you rose: right time? I say shaking my head and I look away shaking my head tom: I close the door then I walk over to her, look at me I say rose: no I won't tom: rose to look at me I say annoyed rose: I then look at him finally what I say angry tom: this whole thing won't be forever ok it's only temporary until you get a good enough job to where you can live on you're own rose: what if Tom: what I say looking at her rose: nothing tom: alright start packing it's tomorrow you're leaving rose: I'm leaving tomorrow I say tom: yeah, unfortunately, I'm sorry and I give her a sad look rose: alright I'll start packing I mutter Tom: ok I'll leave you to it and I leave. ( next day ) rose: I made my way downstairs with my bag full of all my belongings that Tom had gotten for me when he realized I'd be living with him for a little while tom: you ready rose: yeah I say coming out of my thoughts tom: alright come on I say and I take her bag for her rose: once we make it outside I see the whole jump street team even captain fuller is there I smile at everyone even tho I was upset leaving Judy: hey rose: hey I smile at her Judy: I just wanted to tell you goodbye, since you're leaving and all rose: thanks jud I say and I hug her than Harry says goodbye and so does Booker and lastly Doug says goodbye hugging me. After that, I stand away from all of them fuller: hey rose: captain I say fuller: it was nice knowing you we all won't ever forget your rose: I nod bye captain fuller: bye rose I say shaking her hand and I leave with the others. Rose: after captain fuller left I heard the trunk of the taxi close meaning tom had put my belongings in the trunk of it I turned to him after he was done tom: welp that was the last of it I say leaning against the car rose: thanks tom I say tom: yeah I smile rose: for everything tom: how many times are you gonna say that I say playfully rose: as many times as I need to I whisper Tom: I heard but I played it off as I didn't alright well you better get going rose: ok I say and I straighten up more as he opens the car door tom: you'll be ok rose we'll see each other maybe later on in the future or when we cross paths hmm rose: yeah maybe I say smiling sadly tom: well just in case we don't see in each other ever again I say and I grab her than I place a soft kiss onto her lips rose: I hesitate but I eventually kiss him hack Tom: I pull away rose: bye tom I smile Tom: bye rose I say I squeeze her hand than let go of it as she shuts the door , Than I watch her taxi drive away a sad feeling comes over me as I watch the car disappear fuller: you alright tom tom: yeah yeah I am I say looking at captain fuller fuller: how long have you liked her tom: I've liked ever since we met I say fuller: you'll see her again you know Tom: I hope so I say as I stare at the road the taxi disappeared down.

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