( this is some time after Tom and Doug got that prank call and Ava calls them again but this time it's not a prank call) .
Ava: " I sat on my bed ' hugging my knees to my chest scared out of my mind because my boyfriend brad had hit me several times and this is the 10th time he's done it ever since we've been dating and I didn't know what to do, I haven't told anyone because I was too scared of what he'd do if he found out I did tell someone. But at this point, it was getting really bad and I needed to tell someone before I get really hurt or even worse I could die. So I did the only thing I could think of doing and that was called that guy Tom he said to call him anytime I needed anything because we've been actually hanging out in the last week or so just talking and already I felt like he was a good enough person to not hurt me in any way shape or form so I quickly snuck out of mine and brads bedroom and when I did, I walked up to the phone and typed in the dialed number then I waited anxiously as the phone rang. " Tom: I was all ready to go home I had my jacket on and I finally found my keys ' and when I did I walked to the exit, but then the phone rang annoyingly for the 5th time tonight. I didn't answer it before because it's probably people prank calling then it finally clicked and I rushed over to the phone and on impulse I grabbed the phone off of the receiver and I answered saying hello Tom Hanson and once I heard her voice I knew it was Ava and I was about to say a snarky remark but she sounded scared so I perked up at this asked what was wrong. Ava: " Tom please help me I say quietly into the phone " Tom: wait hold on a second, what's wrong I say Ava: m my boyfriend he hurt me I say. Tom: " I didn't need to say anything I just told her to give me her address and I then said I'd be there as soon as possible and I hung leaving the chapel. ( 30 mins later ). Ava: I sat at the kitchen table biting my nails nervously ' when Brad came back in and this time he had a knife and I gulped then I stood up Brad: Ava come here now Ava: no I say and I back away Brad: I just grab her roughly and I cut her on the arm with the knife I have Ava: stop I scream as he cuts me and I punch him in the face then I back up into a corner '. Brad: you could have prevented this Ava Ava: by doing what I did nothing I say as tears fall down my face brad: you know what you did bitch! And I raise the knife Ava: I close my eyes ready to feel the impact of the knife but then I hear someone say freeze and I instantly know it's Tom and I open my eyes to see him raising his gun at brad.
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Tom: " I said freeze and I grab him forcefully and then I cuff him reading him of his rights ' and then fuller steps in and takes him and I walk out with fuller to make sure the guy gets into the car and doesn't try to get away ". ( time skip). Tom: " Once that was done I immediately went back inside and I saw Ava ' and she was with the paramedics getting her arm stitched up so I walked over to her. Ava: " I winced as the guy stitched my arm up but I didn't care I just couldn't believe Brad did this to me ' then out the corner of my eye I saw Tom walking towards me ". Tom: I smiled at Ava as I got closer and when I did I sat down beside her, hey I say Ava: hey I smile and the paramedic guy finally got done stitching my arm and when he wrapped it up and left I then turned to Tom and I hugged him and as I did tears fell down my cheeks and I muffled my cries into his shoulder Tom: hey it's ok I say and I hugged her back comforting her by rubbing circles into her back. Ava: once I know I was done crying I then looked at him and I wiped my tears away tom: look I know what happened to you was traumatic you had every right to cry about it. Ava: I nod I know but I think I'm ok ' it just was very scary I say tom: well it's over now ' you're safe and if you want you can stay with me for a night if you're too scared to stay at you place Ava: I'd like that and I smile at him.