( imagine you are eating ice cream with Tom ).
Elise: "You don't think I'm too bad at this whole police thing do you? I ask as I nibble on my ice cream cone now '. "
Tom: I stop licking my ice cream and I look at her what do you mean Elise you're not bad at all I mean we have our off days but it doesn't make you a bad cop I smile Elise: yeah your right I say and I finally finish my cone so I start wiping my hands off with my napkin, Tom: " what made you wanna ask that question I say curiously looking at her ' Elise: I wouldn't expect you to understand but sometimes I want to quit my job.
Tom: " actually I do understand I've also had that same thought as well I've been wanting to quit as well " Elise: but why Tom you're a good cop jump street needs you, Tom: yeah I guess they do but I'd rather find another job to do with there are too many deaths I've experienced at jump street and my time as a cop and if anything it's taught me to cherish life because anyone of us could die any day while doing a case and I don't want that day to come to me so if your gonna quit Elise you're doing a good thing and I finish my ice cream as well grabbing a napkin from her,
Elise: " it's just a shame all of my hard work will go to waste I've wanted to be a cop for as long as I could remember I sigh " tom: you can do other things as well your whole life doesn't have to revolve around being a police officer I know you wanna make your parents proud but I really think they are and if they were here I know they'd still be happy if you worked somewhere else as well I say and I comfortingly put a hand on her shoulder. Elise: thank you, Tommy, I smile and I look at him Tom: it's what friends are for I smirk alright come on we gotta get going before it gets dark I say and I stand up Elise: you're right and he helps me up then we leave.

Tom Hanson one shots
Short StoryThese are just short one shots I'm writing about Tommy :)