Ava: " I'm not doing this I can't do it I say' as my friends pressure me to do it" rose: come on Ava it's one call we just wanna have fun tonight please , Ava: " I could get in serious trouble alright I'm not doing it I can't rose " rose: fine I'll do it then hand me the phone ' Ava: I hand it to her anyways even though I know it's gonna end badly . Rose: " you're being a big baby I say and I then type 911 into the phone and I wait as it rings. ( at the chapel). Tom: I was finishing up some paper work ' when I heard the phone on Doug's desk ring so I looked up as I saw him walk over answering saying " yellow " And I couldn't stop myself from chuckling . Then I went back to finishing my paperwork but it was soon cut short when I heard Doug say something and he sounded really annoyed Doug: " look I don't know who you are but you need to not call the police station if you have nothing serious to tell us about " Tom: I perked up at this and so when I was done with my work I closed the file laying it on my desk then I got up and I walked over to where Doug was and I sat down on his desk putting a grape in my mouth
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( this is the only pic I could find of Tom eating grapes so just imagine he's eating grapes in a different way). I was chewing on a grape when I heard what sounded like a females voice say " we thought this was a pizza delivery place not the police station " and I tried not to laugh when I saw Doug get even angrier ' so with a mouth full of grapes I said " let me handle this " and he angrily handed me the phone and I put it up to my ear and after I was done chewing my grapes I swallowed and then I said . You ladies obviously dialed us on purpose, so what's you're issue . Ava: see rose I said it was a bad idea I say and I roll my eyes at her rose: " shush and well officer we're just bored and wanted to see if prank calling would be any fun I laugh Ava: " give me that I say and I yank the phone from her ' I'm so sorry officer my friend is very stupid for calling you I say nervous " Tom: ' it's fine but next time it will be in an issue especially if it's not us Ava: yes well sorry for the inconvenience I say laughing nervously Tom: it's fine say since you ladies prank called us the least you could do is give us you're names and I look at Doug winking at him and he gives me a goofy grin back. Ava: " now why would we do that? I ask confused " Tom: ' you did prank call us and that kind of stuff can get you in deep shit regarding all us police officers I chuckle Ava: ok ummm my friends name is rose martins and my name is Ava smith . Tom: " lovely names ' my name is Tom Hanson and my buddie that was on the phone a moment ago is Doug penhall Ava: well nice to meet you guys I say tom: nice meeting you as well now please try not to call the police station again alright Ava: yes officer Hanson have a goodnight and I then hang up and when I do I throw a glare in roses direction rose: " hey at least you got to talk to a possibly handsome police officer I mean that Tom guy sounded really hot" . Ave : rose don't ever make me do that again I say rose: fine I say chuckling . Tom: As soon as I hung up I high fived Doug and we both scored and winned at that whole thing now all I could wait was for her to call back possibly so I could talk to her more and with that I got back to my desk .