First kiss

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( imagine it's your first kiss with Tom and you're kinda nervous ) .

Alora: I've never really done this before I say nervously gulping as he cups my cheeks with his hands,
Tom: it's ok  I'll be gentle it's not like I'll bite you I say chuckling.
Alora: I know I'm just nervous
Tom: there's nothing to be nervous about Alora ok you can trust me I smile at her, Alora: ok I nod I know I can Tom: good now are you ready do you feel more relaxed Alora: yeah I'm ready Tom: you sure because I can stop if you want me to
Alora: no I'm sure Tommy
Tom: ok I nod my head and I lean in slowly kissing her Alora: I'm shocked at first but I eventually ease into the kiss Tom: I feel her less tense so I take action and I deepen the kiss more wrapping my arms around her waist, Alora: I feel Tom wrap his arms around my waist so I wrap my arms around his neck and we both walk backward my legs feeling my bed so I fall on it, and Tom comes down along with me and he lays on top of me still kissing me
Alora: it starts getting more aggressive and Tom starts kissing down my neck, more and as he trails kisses down my neck a soft moan escapes my lips

Tom: I trial back up to Alora and I kiss her on the lips again, Alora: I kiss Tom back and then he pulls away and I ask what's wrong being confused
Tom: Alora if we go any further I won't be able to stop I say Alora: don't stop then I smile at him
Tom: you sure Alora: I nod Tom: I don't say anything instead I just keep kissing her  Alora: I pull on toms shirt and I help him take it off and then I throw it on the floor then Tom helps me take mine off along with my bra I feel him gently unclip it from behind
Tom: as soon as Alora's bra is unclipped I throw it on the floor beside my shirt and I stop getting a good look at her Alora: I blush under toms gaze and I turn away tom: don't hide that blush from me sweetheart I say smirking and I turn her face towards me again and I kiss her again. (a few hours later ). Alora: me and Tom we lay in each other's arms, both of us sweaty from what we did earlier
Tom: Alora Alora: yeah Tom I say tom: I that was amazing Alora: I blush I feel the same way I say tom: I then kiss the top of her head I love you Alora: I love you too and I then sit up kissing Tom on the lips.

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