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( imagine you're looking into getting an apartment, and you tell Tom about it )

Laura: " Tom! I say excitedly as I walk into the police station . "

Tom: " I'm just about to doze off when I hear my name being called so my eyes dart up to whoever was calling me and I see it's Laura and I smile standing up and I walk over greeting her in a hug "

Laura: " Tom guess what? I say as I pull away from his embrace,"

Tom: "  What? I chuckle smiling due to how excited she seems. "

Laura: " I've finally gotten a place to live."

Tom: " Really, I say, raising an eyebrow."

Laura: " yeah well not exactly. I'm looking into getting one, and I thought you'd be the first person I'd tell the good news to ,

Tom: " That's great, Laura. I'm happy for you ,

Laura: " Also, I wanted you to come with me to maybe look at all the ones available and help me decide on one. I bat my eyelashes at him. "

Tom: " I would, Laura, but I've got stuff to do you know I work for a few more hours."

Laura: " Tom, come on, can't you let fuller know you'll be back soon? I really want you there with me pretty, please . "

Tom: "  Alright, fine, I'll see what he says, and I'll let you know afterwards ."

Laura: " Yay, I say."


Laura: " So what did he say? I ask Tom when he comes out of fullers office."

Tom: " He said I can I say "

Laura: " Nice now, let's go because I can't wait any longer."

Tom: " I chuckle."

Laura: " See, this wasn't so bad, was it? "

Tom: " Yeah, it wasn't. I'll admit that, and I lick my ice cream."

Laura: " See, sometimes you need a break from saving the world."

Tom: " Well, the world is important, you know."

Laura: " You know what I mean."

Tom: " Yeah, I know I smile at her, then I finish off the rest of my ice cream, and I wipe my mouth with the napkin I received with it . "

Laura: " Man, that ice cream was really good."

Tom: " Yeah, it was, but I know what's even better."

Laura: " Really, what? What can be better than ice cream? " .

Tom: " You, you silly girl, I love you, and I plant a kiss on her cheek, then I pull her closer to me, swinging an arm over her shoulder.

Laura: " I blush. I love you too, Tom and I kiss him on the lips " .

This was a random idea I got but I'm trying to get back into writing more Tommy one shots 🥰

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