another case

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( imagine Tom is on a mission and he falls in love with a girl or starts to really like a girl where he's on a mission but fuller isn't so happy when he finds out about it lol got this idea from a friend who isn't on here anymore)

Fuller" Hanson penhall get in here and I walk back into my office " .

Tom" what's up captain? "

Doug" yeah what's the deal I'm eating pizza here "

Tom" uh Doug I think you'll be ok without eating for a few mins "

Doug" What I'm hungry " .

Fuller" alright gentlemen so here's your assignments today and I toss them their folders " .

Tom" I open my folder flipping through the pages basically I'm undercover again at a school called Waterston high "

Fuller" yes Tom you are you gonna be ok with that "

Tom" yeah I guess and it says here I'm making sure a girl named Rachel is safe? "

Doug" What? Lucky you you always get to protect pretty girls " .

Tom" I stare at Fuller still ignoring Doug "

Fuller" yes she has a condition she can't be pushed around too much or she might have issues and have to go to the hospital " .

Tom" got it well I'd better be off bye Doug and Fuller then I stand up and I leave fullers office " .

( at the school )

Rachel" look man I don't owe you 20 bucks ok I don't even know you then he punches me and I hold my nose since it starts bleeding " .

Jake" McGowan you're gonna pay me my 20 bucks or else things aren't gonna look too good for you something might happen to you "

Rachel" I'm so scared I say laughing "

Jake" oh that's it and I hit her again then I'm thrown up against a pair of lockers and I groan " .

Tom" Hey! get off of her man I say when I have him up against the lockers "

Jake" who are you even her bodyguard or something I laugh "

Tom" maybe I am so get lost I yell and he runs down the hallway then I turn and look at her " .

Rachel " thanks but I had that handled I didn't need you're help ya know and I pick my books up off of the floor then I keep holding my nose "

Tom" really cause you're bleeding and you have a bruise by your eye come on I'll help you to the nurses office and I take her books holding onto to them as we walk "

Rachel " hey who even are you anyways I've never seen you around here before " .

Tom" I'm Tom walls I'm just an exchange student here for a few weeks I'm studying American culture or something like that " .

Rachel " what you aren't from this state? "

Tom" yeah something like that I smile "

Rachel " hmm well it's nice to meet you I'm Rachel McGowan I shake hands with him "

Tom" nice to meet you Rachel you know what instead of the nurses office I actually carry tissues around with me sometimes just incase you know and I pull a few out handing them to her " .

Rachel " you're just a guy who carries tissues around in his pockets I say kinda laughing and I take some put one in my nose to stop the bleeding "

Tom" yeah ya know you never know what's gonna happen and seeing as though you had an accident guess it's a good thing I carry them " .

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