( imagine Tom is leaving the state so y'all go to the airport and you say goodbye to him) .
Y/n: So do you have everything tom I say as he closes the trunk with the rest of his bags in it'.
Tom: "yep I think I do and I smile " y/n: ok I say then I go to get in the car tom following behind me.
( time skip ).
Y/n: Once we got to the airport I got out of the car and I helped Tom with his bags '
Tom: thank you I say as I set my bags down as I wait for them to call my number, I look over at y/n and she's looking down so I walk over to her pulling her to me y/n: I look at Tom as he intertwines our fingers ' Tom: you're not mad at me are you,
Y/n: no I'm not why Tom: "well I'm leaving for a few months on this assignment fuller gave me and ever since I mentioned it you haven't said a word but you've supported me through it".
Y/n: I smile ' you're just leaving your dream of being a cop Tom I can't stop you from doing what you love, I would never I'll always be supportive of you
Tom: I love you you know that I smile at her
Y/n: I love you more I say and I kiss him on the lips then I hug him ' Tom: I hug her back wrapping my arms tightly around her, I'll miss this you're hugs and kisses y/n: I'll miss this too I say sadly then I peck him on the cheek
( toms airplane name gets called) Tom: well I better get going I say y/n: ok and with that, I kiss him once more than tom picks up his bags and I watch him board his airplane.

Tom Hanson one shots
Historia CortaThese are just short one shots I'm writing about Tommy :)