Rose " I sat very still and as Tom was sleeping I carefully drew on a marker mustache and I snickered but I didn't wanna wake him up so I decided I was done for now and I got up quickly hiding the marker then I got back into bed and I laid there beside him "
Tom" I opened my eyes slowly and there beside me I saw rose and I just smiled at her then I yawned goodbye morning I say and I kiss her on the lips then I lay back down with my head on the pillow "
Rose" Good morning, I say, smiling and trying not to laugh " .
Tom" what's so funny? "
Rose" Tom, I think you should go look in the mirror for that one because I can't exactly explain it well I burst out laughing,"
Tom, I get up, and I quickly make my way into the bathroom, turning the light on. I look at myself in the mirror, and I just stare, really? Rose, I say, and I go to the sink, turning the water on, I start to wash my face. "
Rose" I had to. I'm sorry, I say, laughing even more "
Tom" I'm getting you back for this you won't know when but I'm going to get payback and I dip my head out of the bathroom winking at her before I appear again into the bedroom again "
Rose" So when are you leaving again? To go to work or are you staying up here for a week and helping me pack" .
Tom" I unfortunately have to go back to the chapel but doug is gonna help you pack he'll get you situated, "
Rose" Well maybe me and Doug can go out for ice cream and he gonna be my fake boyfriend " .
Tom" What? " .
Rose" I'm kidding. I laugh, then I fall back onto the bed sighing."
Tom" Give me that marker and I land on the bed beside her I take the marker cap off with my teeth then I spit it out on the floor and I turn back to rose and instead of drawing anything on her face I draw something on her hand instead " .
Rose" Tom, what are you doing I say giggling. "
Tom" there I'm all done and I put the marker on the table near us why don't you read what it says "
Rose" ok fine and I look down at my hand in his perfect hand writing it says I love you forever after I'm done writing it I just look up at him and smile ' you love me? "
Tom" yeah I do last time we saw each other years ago I knew I did and ever since then I haven't stopped thinking about you " .
Rose" Why didn't you tell me back then? "
Tom" Things were different, then I wanted to wait."
Rose " Well, I love you as well, hanson, you dork, and I kiss him,"
( knock knock )
Tom" Who's interrupting us now and I pull away " .
Rose " come in "
Doug said, " Hey, uh, sorry to disturb ya'll again, but I got breakfast for us all before Tom here leaves."
Rose" ooh I could go for that. Come on, Tommy, I say, and I get up, pulling him off of the bed."
Tom" woah wait, I'll be out in a minute. I have to get a shirt on."
Rose" Oh really? Cause I prefer you without a shirt, mister. "
Tom, you're funny, but doug definitely wants to see me with a shirt on so. "
Rose" Fine, I'll be out in the kitchen, and I leave the room with doug " .

Tom Hanson one shots
Short StoryThese are just short one shots I'm writing about Tommy :)