In the rain

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( imagine you call Tom over to play in the rain with you ).

Ave: " I sat staring at the clock it was only quarter to 1 and I had called Tom only an hour ago and he said he'd be here.  And so I was waiting for him I called him because I didn't have anything to do today so I was bored and decided I'd call him over, of course, I didn't tell him the actual reason why I wanted him over, I just told him I was bored and needed someone to hang out with and even though he was working he agreed to come over after he got off work I didn't deserve him he was so good to me and for what?"
( couple mins later). I heard a soft knock on the door ' and I quickly got up straightened my clothes out and checked in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable then I walked over to the door and opened it, and there stood one of my best friends and his name was Tom Hanson.  
Tom: " hey I said and I smiled at her sweetly "
Ava: " hey I say back and I let him come in then I shut the door and turned my attention towards him ". Tom: " so what did you call me here for real? "
Ava: " to hang out that's the only reason I chuckle " Tom: you're lying I smirk Ava: " no no I'm not I just " Tom: you're lying Ava I've known you for years now tell me Ava: " ok fine I called you here really because I wanted to play in the rain with someone I mutter Tom: you wanted to play in the rain I chuckle Ava: I nod blushing out of embarrassment Tom: well that's all you had to say and they don't feel embarrassed I'm not gonna judge you, Ava. Ava: " thank you I smile ' " tom: at the moment we both heard a crack of lightning and heard the rain start falling against the windows hard I then looked at Ava giving an evil smile her way and then my eyes darted to the door Ava: I gave tom the same look and both our eyes darted to the door and without any warning, I ran straight to the door swinging it open, it hit the wall loudly but I didn't care I dashed down the hallway Tom: hey I shout and I run after her.
( couple more mins later ).
Ava: " Once I made it outside before tom I stopped to take a few breaths and then I ran out into my yard and stood and let the rain pour down on me ' ".
Tom: " hey I say making it outside that isn't fair I didn't get a head start ". Ava: to bad I laugh then Tom comes out into the rain his once neatly styled hair getting wet and hanging in his face a little bit "
Tom: " you know this is fun I say as I feel the rain beating against my body ". Ava: " yeah it's so fun I smile and we have fun for the rest of the day in the rain and I was feeling thankful that I had such a friend like him.

This was clearly a weird idea lol I just had it in my mind .

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