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Mielőtt még a nap felkelt volna mi már ébren és ezerrel pakoltunk ugyan is elfelejtettük, hogy Prágában lesz koncertje a srácoknak. Mindenki ment minden felé így kész káosz volt a házban. Victoriának köszönhetjük azt, hogy nem késtük le a gépet. Épphogy sikerült be csekkolnunk a reptéren. Mikor felültünk a gépre mindenkinek sikerült fújnia egyet és lenyugodnia a kapkodás után. Ma még egy interjú is várt ránk mert már Csehországban is tudták, hogy együtt vagyunk. Egy jó ideje nem néztünk híreket így azt se tudtuk, hogy benne voltunk a tv-ben már másnap reggel! Amint felszállt a gépünk és utunk kezdetét vette tettünk ki néhány sztorit Instagramra.

Az út felénél Thomas, Victoria és Damiano elaludtak. Akik ébren maradtunk próbáltunk beszélgetni de nem sikerült ezért elfoglaltuk magunkat valamivel. Szofi zenét hallgatott, Ethan Oliviával beszélt, én pedig A nagy pénzrablást néztem. Csináltam közben néhány selfiet Thomassal és ami jól sikerült tettem ki sztoriba.

Mikor elkezdtünk ereszkedni felkeltettük az alvókat. A le szállás végére Thomasnak is sikerült felkelnie. Amint megkaptuk a bőröndjeinket indultunk a kijárat felé. Hívtunk két taxit ami elvitt minket a szállodához. Amint megérkeztünk felpakoltuk a cuccainkat és pihentünk egy keveset.

Thomassal átöltöztünk alkalmi ruhába és átmentünk Damianoékhoz megnézni, hogy kész vannak-e már. Kopogtunk és Szofi nyitott nekünk ajtót. Ő már teljesen kész volt. Damiano a cipőjét húzta majd gyorsan megigazította az ingjét. Beültünk a taxiba ami ránk várt és elvitt minket a stúdióba. Kaptunk egy-egy mikrofont, megigazították a hajunkat és a ruhánkat majd kezdtünk is. A riporter először köszöntötte a nézőket majd hozzánk fordult a kérdésekkel.

- Hello guys! We're so happy you've been able to do this interview! - köszöntött minket
- Hello! - köszöntünk
- We are also very happy to be here and to be able to give a concert here tomorrow night! - mondta Damiano
- Let's move on to our first question. One fan shared a picture on some social media sites where Thomas and a girl hug each other. A lot of people immediately thought that you were together, but there were people who only saw a friendly relationship. How true is that statement? - fordult Thomashoz a riporter
- First of all, we would like to ask everyone not to take pictures of us without question! You can come to us because we're happy to take a picture with you and we'd be happy to give you a signature. And in answer to that question, those who said we were together are right. I'd like to introduce you to my girlfriend here! - mondta Thomas és rám mosolygott
- Oh! We would like to congratulate you and wish you happiness! You're a very nice couple! - mosolygott ránk a riporter - I understand your name is Orsi, right? - kérdezett a riporter
- Yes! I'm Orsi Vigh and I'm 18 years old! I've lived in Hungary before and moved to Italy a month ago! - válaszoltam
- Can you tell us a little bit about how you and Thomas met each other? - érdeklődött
- When I moved to my best friend and we found out they were having a concert on Friday and the day before, an audience meeting, we were getting ready and making gifts for them! It was at this audience meeting that I met Thomas personally. It all started with him asking for my Instagram name. We talked a lot together then and he and Damiano were pointing the finger at us. - mutattam Szofira és magamra - The next morning, I woke up to the fact that among all the messages was Thomas's. Half an hour later I was able to answer him so he would later write back to me. They were preparing for the concert when we talked more intensively. We were dressed, too, doing each other's hair and makeup. When we got there, there weren't many people there so we were able to get ahead of the front row. He was already looking for me where I was, and Damiano told him I was standing right in front of him! We were invited to the stage first. Thomas and Damiano helped us go up there. I managed to hug Thomas quickly. We were up until the end of the song. Of course, it's not just us because there were about 20 more people up there! - nevettem el magam - That was the end of the concert. When we went off the stage we were still held up until all the people went down the stairs. That's when Ethan offered to let us go to them. We immediately accepted and went with them! When we were at their house, we started drinking. By the end, we were minimally drunk, and that's when things happened! Before we went to sleep I played on his guitar and he praised me, and then when I started praising him he kissed me. In short, that's the story. - mosolyogtam és ránéztem Thomasra
- Ahww that was really cute of you, Thomas! - mosolyodott el a riporter
- Thanks! I'll let her say she's the most beautiful and loyal girl I've ever had the pleasure of meeting! - karolta át a derekam és a fejét az enyémhez döntötte
- Ahww you're sweet! I can also tell you that I have never known a boy more handsome and loyal than him in my life! - mosolyodtam el
- Tell me, did you have this harmony at the beginning of your relationship or have you just developed it? - kérdezett minket
- We had it from the very beginning, so it was easier for us to align ourselves. - mondtam
- Yeah! The first time we noticed it was when we started talking. - helyeselt Thomas
- Thomas, please tell me what caught you in Orsi? - tette fel az utolsó kérdést Thomasnak
- First of all, it is an extremely friendly and open personality. Then her smile and her laughter. Before all this, her beauty and eyes. - mondta mosolyogva. Én is elmosolyodtam rajta.
- Finally Orsi! What caught you in Thomas? - tette fel nekem az utolsó kérdést
- I was first in love with his kindness and immediacy. Then his laughter is that he's always cheerful and the same way his eyes. - mosolyodtam el
- Thank you for answering my questions! Now let's continue with the Damianos. - fordult Damianoékhoz
- My first question would be the same as Thomas and Orsi. A picture of you has also been posted on some social media sites. In this picture, it's clear that you're kissing a girl. The comments got all hell out of control. A lot of people say she's really your girlfriend, but there are people who say you were just drunk and kissed a random girl. The worst thing we read was that your real girlfriend You cheated on her with it. What's the truth of that? - tette fel a kérdést. Mi Thomassal egymásra néztünk és elkerekedett a szemünk, hogy ilyet gondoltak Damianoról.
- It's so true that I was drunk when this picture was taken of us. But that's not true anymore, and I don't know how anyone can make that up, but I didn't cheat on her! I made things clear with her the night when I fell in love with Sophie! - mondta Damiano
- Thank you for clearing this up for us. Now Sophie please tell us a little bit about yourself. - fordult Szofihoz a riporter
- Hello! My name is Sophie Adelina Armbruszt and I'm 20 years old. I moved to Italy from Hungary as much as Orsi did two years earlier. - mutatkozott be
- You have a beautiful name! - mondta a riporter
- Thank you! - köszönte meg Szofi
- Can you tell me about how you met Damiano? - tette fel a kérdést
At that particular audience meeting we went to with Orsi. I was talking to him until we left. The next day, he took to Instagram and we talked a little bit in the morning and then around an hour in the afternoon. He tried to keep me by his side throughout the concert. At the end of the concert, he first pulled me into the back stage. But I held Orsi's wrist so we wouldn't lose each other, so he came after me. Like Orsi said, Ethan offered us a way to go to them, which we accepted. There, after wine and whiskey, things happened to us. When I sat down on his bed, he was looking for the led tape remote that was next to me. The way he tried to take it fell on me. He confessed that he liked it anyway. That's when I told you I did, too. Since he was still lying on top of me, he pushed himself up and kissed me after a few minutes of eye-searching. - mesélte Szofi
- It's imagining it very cute! - mondta a riporter
-Yes, it really was! - mondta Damiano
- Damiano! What caught you the most in Sophie? - kérdezte Damianot
- It's hard! First of all, she smiles nonstop! Her personality is the manifestation of these the most! The most loyal girl I've ever met! Her eyes and hair really caught me! - ölelte meg Szofit és adott egy puszit az arcára
- Ahww! You're so cute! - mondta Szofi
- And you, Sofia? What caught you in Damiano? - fordult a kérdéssel Szofi felé
- For me, he's very kind and understanding to everyone. Standing up for everyone and taking responsibility for me is very much caught up in me! But what's most important is his eyes and his voice! It's amazing to hear he random start singing the end of La paura del buio or the last chorus of Le parole lontane! But you can't miss the rap part of Zitti e Buoni! - mondta Szofi
- Everyone here seems to love each other's eyes! Because everyone in the other eye got their eyes on us! - nevette el magát a riporter
- We have beautiful eyes! - mondta Thomas. Mindenki nevetett rajta egy jót.
- That's true! - helyeseltem
- We're at the end of our interview! Thank you all for being here. Good luck with tomorrow's concert and take care of yourselves! - köszönt el tőlünk
- Thank you for letting us be here! - köszönte meg Damiano mindenki nevében. Elköszöntünk, csináltunk egy képet a riporterünkkel, beszélgettünk még egy pár percet majd indultunk a taxihoz.

Mikor vissza értünk a szállásra átöltöztünk majd átmentünk Ethanékhez akik beszélgettek. Elmeséltük nekik mi volt az interjún amit majd holnap délben adnak le. Elmentünk ebédelni az egyik közeli étterembe majd vissza a szállásra. Aludtunk egy kicsit és mivel már este volt elmentünk sétálni. Meg néztünk néhány nevezetes épületet majd mikor éhesek lettünk beültünk vacsorázni egy étterembe. Amikor végeztünk már eléggé fáradtak voltunk ezért mentünk a szállásra. Letusoltunk majd mentünk is aludni. Thomassal beszélgettünk egy kicsit aztán minket is elnyomott az álom.

Távoli szavak ||Thomas Raggi ff.||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora