You wanna laugh huh? Ship: Jailey JakexHailey

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Jake and Hailey were at school and in the music room, talking about the competition. Luke and Zander were both in the bathroom and Milly and Sean weren't there yet. While they were both still talking, Halley said,

"The competition is getting closer, isn't it?" She looked down on the ground. "It is but don't worry." Jake replied, putting his hand on her shoulder. "We'll do great. Besides, you got this amazing singer on your side." Jake said flauntingly. "Oh yeah sure." Hailey said rolling her eyes.

Jake got closer to Hailey and right up in her face he said with a smirk, "Aww come on princess you know you think I'm good~." Hailey blushed on how close Jake was. "Oh Shut Up!!" She said as she pushed Jake out of her face.

Jake only laughed while Hailey looked embarrassed and annoyed. When suddenly, an idea popped into Hailey's head. An mischievous grin soon spread across her face. "You wanna laugh huh?" Hailey said in a serious tone. "What do you mean?" Jake asked then saw the grin that Hailey was making. Jake looked confused. "Umm Hailey why are you making that face?"  Jake asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing" Hailey replied. "Maybe it's because of...THIS!" And with that, Hailey tackled Jake, making them both fall to the ground of the music room. Luckily, they didn't get hurt. Hailey got on top of Jake and straddled his hips so that he couldn't escape. "HAILEY WHAT THE-" Jake screamed but stopped when Hailey dug her fingers into his armpits which caused Jake to start laughing a bit.

"Hahahahahahahailey whahahahahaht ahahare yohohou dohohohing?" Jake laughed while trying to get up but failing to. Hailey smirked, "What? I'm just trying to make you laugh Jake." Hailey replied while moving to his sides. "What dohoho yohou meAHAHAHAHAHAN HAHAHAHAHA NOHOHOHO!!" Jake squealed as Hailey scribbled her fingers on his sides. "Well, since you like to tease me and laugh about it, I thought of giving you a taste of your medicine." Hailey said, tickling his sides. "Plus, I think you're enjoying this" Hailey continued.

"I AHAHHAHAHAHAM NOHOHOHOHOT!!" Jake continued to laugh. "Oh really, then why are you laughing" Hailey teased which made Jake laugh even harder. "YOHOHOHOHOHOU KNOHOHOHOW WHAHAHAHHAHAHAY!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!!! IM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!!" Jake was in hysterics and Hailey thought that he had enough so she stopped her attack. Jake's chest rose and fell, and he was breathing heavily. "I think I went a little too far." Hailey said, smiling nervously. Jake replied, "you think?!", his breathing slowly getting back to normal. Jake looked up at Hailey and said, "Geez, you are ruthless Hailey Austin." he gave a smirk to which Hailey replied, "Careful what you say Jake Sterling." She wiggled her fingers. "Or else." They both started giggling.

However, after all this, they didn't notice that Zander,Luke,Sean,and Milly were watching everything outside of the music room. Jake and Hailey both turned around and were shock to see that those four were there watching them the whole time! Hailey started, "Umm H-How long were you all standing there?" Hailey got off of Jake and they both got up from the floor. "Long enough." Zander replied as Luke,Milly, and Sean were giggling. Jake scratch the back of his neck while Hailey crossed her arms and looked away, laughing nervously. Milly spoke up, "Don't look so embarrassed you guys, we all already know you were enjoying yourselves~" a smirk appeared on her face. "Milly!!" Jake yelled. Milly laughed and ran down the halls of the school with Jake following behind her. Sean sighed, "I'll go follow them. Someone's gotta make sure they both don't get in trouble." Sean followed in Jake's and Milly's direction. "Yeah, you should do that." Luke replied, chuckling a bit. Zander entered the music room and stared at Hailey. "I believe you have some explaining to do." Zander said. Hailey sighed, She was in for an earful.

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