Grapes Ship:Drender DrewxZander

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Requested by: UnaKinnieDiReki

"Ugh, where are they?" Zander thought to himself. He just went to the kitchen to grab his grapes for a snack. but when he open the fridge, he realized that they weren't there.

He checked top to bottom of the fridge but the grapes were nowhere to be found. He closed the fridge door and sighed, "Maybe Drew knows something about it." He said and went to look for Drew.

He entered the living room where Drew was sitting on the couch. "Hey Drew, have you seen my-" Zander stopped what he was saying when he saw Drew on the couch, eating his grapes while he was watching his phone! Zander yelled, "Drew!" which caught Drew's attention as he turned his head and faced Zander.

"What is it?" Drew asked. "Are those my grapes your eating?" Zander asked him as Drew noticed what he talking about. He tried to lie and said, "Um, What grapes?" He said.

"The ones that you have right there." Zander remarked, pointing to the grapes that were clearly right next to Drew. Drew knew there was no use so he said, "Look, I'm sorry ok? I was just hungry and I saw the grapes and I just-well, helped myself?"

Zander squinted his eyes, "You know I'm not letting you get away with this right?" He replied. This was Drew's cue to run. He ran to the bedroom with Zander right on his tail. Zander managed to catch up to Drew, wrapped his hands around his waist and starting scribbling in his armpits. Drew started laughing and fell onto the bedroom floor, making Zander fall along also making sure to sit on his legs on the process.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WAIT! ZANDER NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" Drew laughed. "Oh, Don't you dare blame this on me. Your the one that ate my grapes. Now consider this as payback." Zander replied, scribbling his fingers faster which caused Drew to laugh louder.

After a few minutes, Zander said, "Hmm, I still don't think your sorry yet." To this, Drew replied, "I am, I am sorry, Please-no more." Zander, of course ignored him and grabbed his leg and put his hand under his knee.

Drew froze. "Maybe this spot will make you sorry." Zander said. "Zander, please not there. I'm sorry. I just-I didn't think you mind if I ate your grapes so.." Drew was cut off by Zander yelling, "Didn't think I'd mind!?"

Drew was screwed. "Wait! Um, let me rephrase thaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Zander started digging his fingers into Drew's knee and Drew started letting out shrieks of laughter.

"I'll only stop if you promise to never eat my grapes without my permission." Zander said. "OK I PROHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOMISE!!" Drew laughed. "And you have to buy me new grapes." Zander said again. "I WIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHILL!! JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEASE!!" Drew laughed again. He basically had tears in his eyes out of laughing too much.

Finally, Zander stopped and Drew took in lots of breath and wiping the tears out of his eyes. Zander and Drew both got up off the floor and Zander said, "I'm hope you learned your lesson." While Drew just rolled his eyes. "And your going to buy me new grapes, right?" Zander continued. Drew replied, "Yes, I'll go later." "Thank you very much." Zander replied back at him.

The end

I hope you enjoyed this story. If you have any requests on stories, please share in the comments below. Hope to see you in the next story and have a nice day/night

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