A day in the cafe Ship:Milluke MillyxLuke

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Requested by: bluebell_bear
By the way, they're all wearing cafe uniforms so that you don't get confused

Luke was running as fast as he could. "I'm so late!" He said to himself, as he stopped and waited to crossed the street. He started working at this cafe called Rose meadow Cafe with his friends. He was usually on time but today was different.

He had slept through his alarm clock and now he was rushing to get there as fast as he can.

He finally reached the cafe and entered through the front doors. "Finally, I'm-Gah!", he let out a yelp as he felt someone's hands squeeze his sides and he started laughing. Turns out it was Milly who snuck behind him when he wasn't looking. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! HEY!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP THAT!!" Luke laughed.

"You're late Luke, you were never late before." Milly said with a smug grin. "MILLY!? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OKHAHAY!! OKAY I GEHEHEHEHEHEHEHET IT!!" Luke laughed again as Milly laughed with him.

"That's enough, Milly." Zander said, walking towards them with Hailey right beside him. Milly stopped what she was doing to Luke as he started panting. "Yeah Milly, I think Luke learned his lesson." Hailey said as she giggled.

"Fine." Milly replied, as she took her hands off of Luke's sides. Luke managed to regain his breath back to normal. "Glad your finally here Luke. We could really use some help in the kitchen." Hailey said.

Milly then said, "Yeah, because SOMEONE is trying to burn this whole cafe down." "I heard that!" Jake's voice replied, coming from the kitchen. "JAKE!!" Sean shouted, getting Jake to turn around and notice that he was burning some food. "Oh shoot!" Jake said, as he rushed to check on it.

Milly, Hailey, and luke all laugh except for Zander who just facepalms. They all went back before Luke said to Milly, "You know I'm going to get you back for what you did, right?" Milly turned to him and gave him a cheeky smile. "We'll see about that." She replied, and went back to work as Luke went to do the same.

Time skip-

It was almost closing time for the cafe and Milly was just cleaning the tables, minding her own business. What she didn't know was Luke was right behind her, ready to strike. And he did. He dug his fingers right into her armpits and she started laughing loudly until she realized that it was Luke.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! LUKE!! WAHIHIHIHIHHIHIHIHIT!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Milly laughed. "I told you I would get you back, didn't I? It's not my fault you didn't take my warning." Luke said.

"NO MOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!! I GIVE I GIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIVE!!" Milly laughed again as Luke just smiled.

Meanwhile,  Zander, Hailey, Sean, And Jake were watching of this. "You should've taken his warning seriously, Milly." Hailey said with a smile. "I certainly agree." Sean replied. "Yeah, serves her right for saying I "almost" burned the cafe down!" Jake said while crossing his arms."  "Really, Jake? Really?" Zander replied while Sean and rolled their eyes and chuckled. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Jake said as they all watched the scene of Luke and Milly in front of them.

The end

I hope u all enjoyed this story and ill see you in the next one!!

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