"You have a beautiful smile" Ship:Lander LukexZander

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"Luke can I ask you a question?" Zander asked as him and Luke were both sitting on the living room couch. Luke replied "Sure, go ahead." in a sweet voice. Zander looked down at his lap.

"Why did you fall in love with me?" Zander asked, leaving Luke in surprise. "Why are you asking me that, Zander?" Luke asked, confusion shown on his face.

"W-Well.." Zander stuttered, "it's just that, why did you choose me over Stacy? I mean, what did you find in me that you didn't find in her?" Zander asked as he crossed his arms.

Luke put his hand on Zander's cheek and gave him a smile. "Zander.." Luke started as he sighed, "The reason I fell for you is because, you're the person that makes me feel happy, and you always make my day." Zander blushed at his words.

Luke lifted Zander's chin so that he could look at him straight in the face. Luke grinned, "Like I said before, you're charming, witty, and extremely handsome. On top of all that, you have a beautiful smile."

Zander blushed like a tomato but turned away from Luke. "My smile isn't beautiful." Zander said. Luke replied, "Of course it is. Here, I'll prove it." Luke said as he wrapped his arms around Zander's waist and pulled him to his chest.

"What the- Luke?!" Zander yelled as he was pulled to Luke's chest, "What are you doing?!" Luke smiled, "Proving to you that your smile is beautiful." Luke went and scribbled his fingers all over Zander's stomach, which made Zander start giggling.

"Luhuhuhuhuke!!" Zander giggled as he squirmed, trying to get out of Luke's grasp. "Yes Zander?" Luke said, smiling at the scene in front of him. "Knohohohohohock it ohohohohohoff!!" Zander giggled again.

"But your smile is so beautiful Zander~" Luke teased, now scribbling his fingers faster, which made Zander's laughter become louder. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! LUKE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! Zander laughed as he tried again and again to get out of Luke's grasp, but couldn't. "Admit your smile is beautiful and then I'll stop." Luke replied as Zander kept laughing.


"That's right, and don't you forget it." Luke said as he kissed Zander's forehead. Zander blushed as he nuzzled his face into Luke's chest. "Don't ever do that again." Zander said which made Luke chuckle a bit, "I can't promise that Zander." Luke replied,

"Because I always want to see your beautiful smile."

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