🥬"Short lettuce head" 🥬 Ship: Henriam HenryxLiam

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Requested by: Henriam_simp

"Come on! I have to be somewhat attractive." Henry said.

Henry and Liam were just at Henry's house in his room hanging out. You know, talking about "boy stuff", until Henry brought up if he was attractive or not.

"Why are we talking about this again?" Liam asked. "I just don't understand what other boys have that I don't have. I mean, look at me." Henry said while striking a pose, "I look just as cool, right?"

Liam choked a laugh as he watched Henry do that. "I'm not so sure." Liam joked with a smug grin. "Hey!" Henry whined as Liam couldn't help but laugh. "I'm serious!" Henry said while sitting next to Liam on his bed. "Alright Alright, you're sort of attractive." Liam said.

Henry replied, "Really?!" with a smile on his face. Liam chuckled, "Maybe."  Henry's face turn into this face 😑(I don't know how to describe it so emojis to the rescue).

"Haha, very funny. But seriously, what are some good things about me? Come on! Hook me up!" Henry said. Liam pretend to think. "Hmmm let me see, well to start, your short."

"Really?" Henry said.

Liam replied, "What? It's true. You also think about lettuce almost all the time, and you have hair like lettuce. *gasp* wait! Short lettuce head, that's a good thing about you."

"Short. Lettuce head, are you serious?" Henry asked. Liam smirked, "I mean, am I wrong? Aren't you the shortest out of the both of us?"

"Well, sort of." Henry said.

"And who's the one who has lettuce on their mind almost all the time AND has hair like it?"


"See? Short and lettuce head, put them together and what do you get?" Liam asked. "You suck!" Henry pouted as he playfully punched Liam's arm, making him laugh hard.

"Your the one who asked me. I was just telling you my opinion." Liam said as he looked at Henry who had crossed his arms and looked the other way.

"Aww, are you mad because you know I'm right?" Liam asked teasingly.

"No! And your not right." Henry huffed in reply.

"Yes I am." Liam said.

"No your not."

"I am."

"Your not!"

"Fine." Liam said as an evil grin formed on his face. "If you won't admit it, I'll just have to make you." He then grabbed Henry by the shoulders and made him lay down on the bed, sitting on him in process so that he wouldn't escape.

"Hey! Liam, what are you doing?" Henry asked but Liam ignored him and starting scribbling and kneading on Henry sides, which made him start laughing instantly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WAIT!! LIAM NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO" Henry laughed. "I'll stop, but first you have to admit that I'm right and your a short lettuce head." Liam said as he continued to tickle Henry.

"NEHEHEHEHEHEHEVER!!" Henry laughed again as he tried desperately to escape, but to no avail.

"Then I guess I'm not stopping." Liam said. he then went to try a different spot. "Hmmm, I wonder what would happen if i did this." Liam began to use his thumbs to drill into Henry's hips.

Henry practically screamed and started kicking his legs because of the sensation which shocked Liam. "Geez! I didn't think you'd react like that." Liam said. "I'm pretty sure your mom heard you."

"STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP PLEASE!! OK!! OK YOUR RIHIHIHIHIHIHIGHT!!" Henry was cackling now and couldn't take it anymore. Liam thought it was best to stop because he didn't want to make Henry pass out, so he stopped his attack to which Henry was very much glad for.

"Right about what?~" Liam teased, still on top of Henry.

"That I'm *pants* a short lettuce head, happy?" Henry said out of breath.

"Very." Liam replied as he finally got off of Henry. Henry got up and looked at Liam. "Did you really have to do that? I almost wet myself!" He whined.

"Well, you didn't want to admit that I was right, so I had to do it. But I also did it so you'd stop pouting." Liam replied.

"Oh really? well why don't I return the FAVOR?!" Henry yelled as he pulled Liam onto the bed and starting tickling him back.

Let's just make it clear, Henry's house was filled with laughter that day.

OMG IM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THIS STORY!! But thank god I finally did it. Thank you for reading and I'm sorry if it's not really good because I was making up ideas as I went along, but I still hope you liked it. Also, quick note, I'm sorry but i will unfortunately not be taking anymore requests because I really wanna focus on making my second book so yea, but I promise I'll tell you when I'm taking requests again.

Anyways, see you in my story or new book. Byeeee

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