"I'll hear you out." Ship: Jean JakexSean

397 7 1

Requested by: Skyecupcake7
After the episode 9 incident
It's basically an aftermath

In the music room-
Jake was on the floor, tears falling down his face. He felt like he just couldn't get up. "I shouldn't have listened, I SHOULDN'T HAVE LISTENED!!" He kept thinking to himself, "Why did I say those words, just why?" Now his friends, his REAL friends are now...gone.

With the music club-
"I swear, if he shows his face near us or Hailey again." Zander said angrily. Hailey had ran out the music room crying which made Sean, Milly, Zander, and Luke follow her. However Zander, Luke, and Sean had to wait outside the girl's bathroom because Hailey had ran in there to cry. (Also, because it's a girl's bathroom, no boys allowed😌). Milly was with her tho.

"Calm down Zander, Please, don't let him get in your head." Luke replied, putting his hand on Zander's shoulder. "I just.. how could he just betray us like that?!!" Of course they were furious at Jake for what he said, but unlike them, Sean didn't exactly...feel that way.

I mean, yes he was upset that Jake said those things behind their backs, and felt bad for Hailey's state, but he also felt like Jake wasn't given any time to explain himself to the club. This made him feel bad, and he knew he had to do.

"Hey guys? I'll be right back. I have to go check on something." Sean asked as Luke and Zander both turned around. "Uhh... alright then." Zander replied. Sean went in the other direction as the other two boys wondered where he was going.

Sean had reached the music room and took a peak inside. What he found was Jake crying on the floor, his face covered in tears. Sean opened the door to which Jake heard and lifted his head up and was surprised to see Sean walking inside.

"S-Sean!, Sorry, I-I was just about to leave." Jake stuttered and tried to get up but Sean stopped him and sat on the floor with him.

"Wait, don't. I just want to talk to you." Sean said as Jake sat back down. Jake was confused. "Why? Shouldn't you be with the others?

Sean replied, "Well, your not wrong, but I didn't really wanna leave you here without explaining yourself." Jake was shocked. He didn't expect to hear that. "Well, those guys didn't hear me out, so why would you?" He sighed.

"Well, I'll hear you out." Sean replied softly. "Trust me, ok? Just tell me everything nice and slow." Jake finally started to calm down and took a deep breath and started explaining everything.

He explained that his "homies", Zoey, and Lia had said mean things about the music club and pressured him into saying all those things and also when he found out that Daisy and Sean hung out with each other, he got..a little jealous. He then sort of snapped and unfortunately, said all those mean words.

He kept explaining as Sean just kept listening. He felt mad that the rest of the club didn't hear Jake out, but at least he was letting Jake explain himself.

After Jake was done explaining, he apologized as Sean gave him a hug. "It's ok Jake. I'm sorry that the rest of the club didn't let you say anything, but I'm a good listener and I know you have a passion for singing, you really do show it, so it would be hard for you to actually mean what you said."

Jake smiled and returned the hug. "Thank you so much Sean. Really, You really helped."

"It's no problem." Sean replied as he also smiled. "Hey, I think I have one more thing that'll make you feel better."

"What's that?" Jake asked. "This." And with that, Sean dug both his hands into Jake's armpits and started scribbling on them. Jake started laughing and fell on his back. "Hahahahahahaha!! Sean!! Stahahahahahahap!! Dohohohohohon't!!" Jake laughed.

"Hmmm? Do I really have to stop?" Sean teased as Jake kept laughing, "Alright alright, just one more thing." Sean put his hands on Jake's ribs and dug his fingers right in between them. Jake's laughter got even louder.

"SEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAN!!" Jake laughed again. "I'm done, I'm done!" Sean said as he laughed as well. Jake finally got up while he was recovering from his laugh attack. "Did you really have to that?" Jake asked.

"I certainly did." Sean replied. "I better get to the others before they start to get suspicious about me." He got up and was heading for the door. "Yeah. I should to." Jake said as he also went for the door.

They both got out but before Sean could walk away, Jake said, "Hey Sean?"


"Thanks again for listening to me. I really appreciate it."

Sean gave Jake a smile. "Your welcome Jake."

The end

Wow! I've never finished a story in less than two days. This is a new record :) anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this story. I'm really sorry if this isn't how you wanted it to turn out,(I'm talking to the person who requested this.) but I still hope you liked it!

P.s- The part where it said Hailey ran to the bathroom, I literally didn't know what to put because where would you run if you were crying?

Hopefully I'll see you in the next story or my new book. Bye!!!

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