In the morning ☀️with Jailey and Lander

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Ships in the story:


First, Jailey
The morning sun was shining outside and it's bright light was shining through the windows of a bedroom. The bright light woke up a teal haired girl laying in bed. She rubbed her eyes to wake herself up a bit as she heard a little snore coming from the coral haired boy next to her, snuggling her with his hands wrapped around her waist.

Hailey smiled at him as she gently got out of bed and began to get ready for the day. A few minutes later, she was fully dressed and noticed that Jake wasn't up yet and still sleeping. She decided to take matters into her own hands and went over to him to wake him up.

"Jake~ good morning~" Hailey said while shaking him. Jake groaned while he turned to look at her. "Mmmh what?" Jake asked sleepily. "You have to wake up. We have a busy day today." Hailey  continued. "Nooo I don't wanna get up." He replied as he stuffed his face with a pillow. "Jake, come on. You have to get up." Hailey said as she continued to shake him, but he didn't budge. "Don't make me get you up." She said while crossing her arms. "Mmmh I'm tired. let me sleep" Jake replied in a tired voice while drifting back to sleep. "Ok that's it!" Hailey said as she pulled the covers off and started scribbling her fingers into Jake's sides.

Jake immediately felt it and starting laughing hard.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAILEY!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!!" Jake laughed while squirming as Hailey just smirked. "Well, this is what you get for not waking up." Hailey replied. "OK!! IM UHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUP!! AND IM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! NOW STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Jake laughed again.

"But your laugh is so cute. Plus, You don't seem awake yet. I think you need more~"Hailey teased as she moved up to Jake's ribs and Jake absolutely shrieked. He was laughing even harder than before. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! PLEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Jake was kicking his legs and laughing like crazy. "Are you gonna get up out of bed?" Hailey asked while still tickling his ribs."YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!! JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!PLEAHAHAHAHAHAHAHASE!!" Jake replied laughing still. "Are you sure?" Hailey asked, smirking. "HAILEY COME OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHN!!" Jake laughed again.

Hailey finally stopped and Jake was taking every breath he could muster. Jake looked at Hailey with an pouty look. "I could of passed out you know?!" Jake whined while he got in a sitting position. "Maybe if you woke up like I asked, I wouldn't have done that." Hailey replied. "Grrrr get over here!" Jake yelled as he lunged towards Hailey, grabbing her and pulling her onto the bed. "Hey! Jake,what are you doing?!" Hailey asked while yelling. Jake gave a smug look. "I'm getting... REVENGE!!" Jake said as he started to tickle Hailey's stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! JAKE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!!" Hailey laughed. "Stop? But I just got started and besides, I wanna hear that beautiful laugh of yours." Jake said as she continued to tickle her. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! WHAT!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" Hailey laughed. After a few minutes, Jake finally stopped. "Truce?" Hailey asked as her breath was returning to normal. "Truce." Jake replied as he locked lips with Hailey for a kiss which of course Hailey kissed back.  After that, Jake finally got out of bed, got himself ready and Hailey and Jake went with their day.

Next, Lander
Luke and Zander were sleeping soundly on their bed when an alarm clock went off. Zander's eyes opened as he went to turn the alarm clock off. Zander yawned and stretched a bit in order to get himself fully awake.

Just as he was about to get out of bed tho, he suddenly felt arms wrapping around his waist, pulling him back to the bed. It was Luke, who was half asleep. "Luke, I need to get up." Zander said, but Luke didn't let go. "Nooo." Luke whined sleepily. "No? What do you mean by no?" Zander asked very confused. "I want cuddles." Luke replied.

Zander sighed. "Luke, we already cuddled. Now,I need to get up." Zander tried get out from Luke's grip but it was too hard for him. Luke brought Zander closer to him as Zander gasped, blush forming on his face. "I'm going to say this one more time. I. Want. Cuddles." Luke said as sternly as he could, even though he was still sleepy.

"Oh my god Luke. Like I said before, I. Need. To. Get. Up." Zander said. But at that moment, Luke began to scribble onto Zander's side which caused Zander to start giggling. "Hahahahahahaha!! Luke stahahahahahahahap!!" Zander giggled as Luke was secretly smirking.

"I'm getting my cuddles one way or another." Luke said as he moved to Zander's stomach. Zander's laughter got louder and he started to thrash and try to escape the attack, but unfortunately failed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! LUKE!! CUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUT IT OUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUT!!" Zander laughed. Luke smiled as he said, "Has anyone ever told you that your laughter is so charming? Besides, I wanted cuddles and you didn't give me any. So are you gonna give me cuddles now?" Luke asked as he continued to tickle Zander's stomach.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OK!! ILL GIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIVE YOU CUDDLES!! JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Zander said while falling into laughter again. Luke finally stopped to give Zander a break. Zander was breathing hard and gasping for all the breath he could get.

"" Zander said as he was still breathing heavily.  Luke just snuggled closer to Zander and replied, "Well, you didn't give me cuddles so I had to do something to convince you. And now, we both got a win-win. I stopped tickling you, and I got my cuddles." Zander looked very annoyed but a evil smirk came over his face. He began to place kisses onto Luke's neck.

Luke began to laugh as Zander kept planting kisses all over Luke's neck. "Hahahahahahahahahaha!! Zander! Whahahahahahahat are yohohohohohohohou- hahahahahahahahaha!!" Luke  was trying to ask but was cut off by his own laughter. "you wanted me to cuddle with you didn't you? Well, now I am." Zander said as he then put his fingers inn Luke's armpits and started scribbling into them. Luke almost shrieked as he began to laugh loudly.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ZANDER!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO MORE!!" Luke laughed. "You should have of that before you decided to tickle me." Zander replied as he continued to tickle Luke's sides. "IM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Luke laughed again. "Ok, fine. I don't want you to die from laughing." Zander said as he stopped to let Luke breath. " that was too much to handle." Luke said while slowly getting his breath together.

"Well you did the same thing to me." Zander replied, remembering what Luke did. "I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me?~" Luke asked with big puppy eyes. Zander blushed a bit before he sighed and said, "fine. Your forgiven. And we can cuddle for a few minutes." Zander said as wrapped his arms around Luke while Luke wrapped his arms around him.

"Thank you Zander~" Luke said as he kissed the top of Zander's nose. Zander's face turned as red as a tomato, which made Luke giggled. Luke gave kiss on the lips to Zander and Zander quickly melted into it. They both laid down in bed and cuddles for a few minutes before finally starting their day.

1,227 words
Hope you all enjoyed this story and tysm for 200 reads. We're 800 reads away from 1,000 reads. Also, a message to Orchid_grapes. Of course I'll do your request. It might take until tomorrow or the day after that or maybe today if I'm able to. Either way, I'll be doing your request. And you guys can request too! Just tell me in the comments saying what story do you want me to write next.

See you guys next time. Bye!!

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