Give it back! Ship:Zia Zoeyxlia

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Requested by: SCP-F-1-N

It was a school day. Lia and Zoey were both just hanging out outside since it was free period.

"And then I said that the red one did not suit me at all, so then he bought me the blue and gold tops instead." Zoey said flauntingly. Lia replied, "It's really that easy?"

"Yup!" Zoey said.  Just then, a notification came on Lia's phone. She checked it. Of course it was Henry sending another meme. Lia cringed, "Omg, if Henry sends me one more meme, I swear." However, Zoey had a smirk on her as she came up with an idea. "Hmm, what if I just?..." Zoey said as she snatched Lia's phone out her hands.

"Hey! Give it back!" Lia yelled, as she tried grabbing her phone back but Zoey kept dodging her. She then proceeded to text Henry back on Lia's phone. "Oh Henry! Your so cute! Send me more memes!" Zoey said in a dramatic voice. "Zoey! Don't you dare!" Lia yelled again as she was still trying to grab her phone back as Zoey was just laugh.

As Zoey was about to press send, Lia suddenly put her hands on Zoey's sides and started scribbling on them. Since Zoey was wearing a tank top, this made Zoey laugh even louder. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! LIA!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Zoey laughed. Lia replied, "Give me back my phone and then I'll stop." Lia grinned as she moved up to her armpits which made Zoey squeal.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NO MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!! OK!! OK TAKE YOIR PHOHOHOHOHONE BAHAHAHACK!!" Zoey laughed as she waved Lia's phone in her hands. Lia grabbed her phone while Zoey was left there gasping for breath. "Thank..god no one saw us..that would've been embarrassing." Zoey said. "That god you didn't send that message to Henry, otherwise, that would have lasted a lot longer." Lia replied chuckling.

The end.

Hope you enjoyed this story. Sorry if it's a little bit short but I tried my best. See you next time in the next story!!

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