A sleepover full of laughing. Platonic Ship:Driamenrake DrewxLiamxHenryxJake

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"Hey guys." Drew said, as the boys turned to look at him. It was after school and the boys were just hanging out, until Drew spoke up. "Do you all want to have a sleepover at my place tonight?" Drew asked. Jake found that fun. "Sure I don't mind." he said. Liam agreed and so did Henry. "I don't have anything planned so yeah I can come." Liam said. "Me too!" Henry said as well. "Alright then." Drew started. "Meet me at my house in two in a half hours." Jake, Liam, and Henry all nodded and the four of them went their separate ways to their houses.

After two hours, Jake,Liam,and Henry were all at Drew's house for the sleepover. They didn't know what to do first, until Drew got an idea. "Hey, do you guys want to play video games?" Drew asked.  The boys agreed and put a game in Drew's console, grabbed the controllers and it was time to play. They all picked their characters and started the match.

The boys were all fighting hard and one by one, each of them lost a life. Henry was the first one out since he wasn't good at playing, and Liam was the second one out. Now it was just Drew and Jake, both at one life and fighting hard in the game. Jake having a hard time trying to stay alive while Drew was taking barely any damage.

Jake did not want to lose the game so he tried to think of a plan of how he could win. Just then, a light bulb switched on in his head. He made sure that Drew was distracted by the game, and quickly made his move. He shoved Drew as hard as he could, making Drew drop his controller and fall to his side. "JAKE WHAT THE HECK!!" Drew yelled, but Jake already used his super move, defeated Drew's character, and won the game.

Jake screamed in delight, "Yes I won!!" Liam and Henry were laughing at what they saw while Drew look angry and annoyed. "You cheated!! That isn't fair!!" Drew said angrily. Jake just gave a smirk, "It's not my fault Drew, you shouldn't be so easy to shove." He snickered a little bit as well. Liam spoke up, "You did cheat Jake." Henry also jumped in, "Yeah Drew, he did get you good, didn't he?" Drew just huffed in annoyance. He grabbed Jake's shoulders and pushed him to the ground, sitting on him in the process. "Oh your so dead. Liam,Henry, come here and help me."

Liam and Henry went over there and Drew told Liam to pin Jake's arms up, which he did, and told Henry to sit on Jake's legs.  After that, Drew gave Jake an evil look and then said, "Well boys, looks like we've got a cheater here, what should we do with him?" Henry and Liam both looked at Drew. "I say revenge." Henry replied. "I second that." Liam said as well. "Guys!!" Jake yelled. Drew took two of his fingers and poked into Jake's armpits. Jake started to giggle a bit but then froze when he realized what Drew was going to do. He tried to get up but nothing worked. "W-Wait Drew, W-We can talk about this right?" Jake pleaded, but Drew wasn't buying it. He started scribbling his fingers in Jake's armpits. Jake started giggling uncontrollably and thrashing. "It's too late Jake. You did this to yourself," Drew then thought of something.

"Hey Liam, Henry, you guys wanna join? Drew asked with a grin on his face. "Wahahahahahahahahahait nohohohohohohohohohoho!! Jake giggled. Liam and Henry both nodded in response. Liam used his legs to hold Jake's arms down and started going for his armpits while Drew went for his sides. Henry took off Jake's shoes and started to scribble his hands into Jake's socked feet.

Jake laughed, thrashing and trying to get up. Drew just chuckled, "You should have before you cheated." Drew then moved his fingers to Jake's ribs and started digging into them. Jake went crazy and started cackling at this point. With all the strength that he could get, he manage to slip his hands and legs out of Liam and Henry's grasp and grab Drew to push him to the ground. Now Jake was on top of Drew. Jake wasted no time and started scribbling his fingers into Drew's armpits. Drew didn't even have time to react but started laughing when he felt Jake's fingers in his armpits. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! JAKE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Drew was kicking his legs and squirming. Jake just grinned, "Not happening Drew. Now it's your turn." Liam and Henry were watching everything.

"ARENT YOHOHOHOHOHOU GUYS GONAHAHAHAHAHAHANA HELP MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE?!! Drew laughed toward Henry and Liam. They both looked at each other but then grinned. "Nah, we rather watch what happens." Liam replied. "YOHOHOHOHOHOHOU TRAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAITORS!! Drew said angrily while laughing. After 2 minutes, Jake finally stopped. Drew was panting and gasping for breath. Jake and Drew both noticed that Liam and Henry were both snickering to each other. Jake then whispered a plan into Drew's ear and Drew started to smirk. They both walked to Liam and Henry's direction. Liam noticed Jake and Drew walking towards them and Henry noticed too. They tried to run but didn't get far.

Drew grabbed Henry by his collar of his shirt and Jake did the same thing to Liam. They pulled them to the floor and sat on top of them. Jake started scribbling his fingers on Liam sides and stomach while Drew was tickling his armpits and ribs. Liam and Henry's laughter was so loud! "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!!" Henry laughed. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA CUT IT OHOHOHOHOHOHOUT!!" Liam laughed as well. Drew smirked, "You didn't think we leave you guys without a laugh attack now did you?" Drew asked teasingly. Henry and Liam couldn't even answer cause of how hard they were laughing.

Once Jake and Drew were done, Liam and Henry were catching breath. All the boys started to laugh about what a silly fight they were having.

What a sleepover they had. 

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