"Hate is a strong word" Ship:Jander JakexZander

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Requested by: Snowman8946
This was before episode 9, just so you don't get confused 😅

"Hey Zander, Can I ask you a question?


It was just a normal day in the music room. You know, just practicing and all. However, Jake noticed that Zander wasn't exactly...being stubborn with him like he usually was. He was confused and finally decided to confront Zander about it.

"You've been acting a bit strange today." Jake said. Zander replied, "What do you mean strange?"

"Well, I mean, You're usually kind of grumpy with me most of the time, no offense!" Jake said as Zander gave him a 😑 face. "But today, you're acting nicer? Whats up with that?"

Zander sighed, "Look, the reason is that Hailey "insisted" I get along with you, since you're helping us with the competition. I was against it because I didn't forget how you've treated us for the past years."

Jake held his head low as he rubbed the back of his neck. "But.." Zander continued, "I did see that you were trying to change, so I decided that I guess I could give you another chance."

Jake stood there shocked and asked, "So, does this mean you don't exactly hate me anymore?"

"Hate is a strong word." Zander replied, "But yes, I don't really see you as a douchbag like before, but you're still an idiot so don't push it." Jake let out a chuckle in reply.

"Don't worry, I won't..., maybe." He smirked. "I said don't push it." Zander replied.

"Alright! Alright!" Jake said while chuckling again. "But seriously, thanks Zander. Thanks for giving me a chance. I promise you, you won't regret this, trust me."

"Oh I will, I very much will." Zander said sarcastically as he crossed his arms. "Awww, back to the old Zander already?" Jake teased.

"Don't test me simp."

"Or what? "

"Don't test me."

"Oh come on, what are you gonna do?"

Zander proceeded to walk closer to Jake, taking him by surprise as he stepped back. "W-Wait Zander, I was just joking, Heh." Jake said nervously as he backed up against the table in the music room.

Dead end.

Jake thought he was done for and was expecting something big to happen. However, he was feeling...laughter? He started to laugh as Zander's fingers scribbled on his sides. Now this is something he never thought Zander would do.

"Oh, What's wrong simp? Too much for you?" Zander said teasingly.

"Why are yohohohou?!! Hahahahahaha!! Zander stahahahahahap!!" Jake laughed as he struggled to push Zander off. "Plehahahahahase!!"

"Omg, this is just priceless!" Zander replied as he let out a laugh as well. He didn't actually think this would be so fun.

"What's going on in here?" A voice asked. It was Hailey's. Her, Sean, Milly, and luke all walked into the music room very surprised to find the scene in front of them. Zander and Jake were both surprised as well.

"Umm, t-this has an explanation!" Zander nervously said, backing away from Jake.

Well, I wonder how that's gonna go. 😂

The end.

Thank you so much for reading this story. And to the person who requested this, I'm so sorry it took so long and I'm so sorry this wasn't how you wanted it to turn out, but I still hope that you enjoyed it. But sadly, I might not take anymore requests for now because I really wanna focus on my new book for now, but I promise I will keep you updated when I'm ready. Thank you so much for reading and I'll see you next time!!

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