The snowman incident. Ship:Sake SeanxJake

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Another late Christmas special!
Requested by sophiaPINKZZ

P.s Sean and Jake are both wearing winter clothes when there are outside.

The two boys Jake and Sean were outside in the snow building snowmen. They both started rolling up the snowballs and started to form their snowmen. They went and decorated their own snowman's face with rocks as their eyes and mouth and a carrot as their nose.(you know all the basic things you put on a snowman).

After a few minutes, they both were finished with their snowmen. But what Sean didn't know was that Jake was forming a little snowball ready to throw. "Hey Sean!" Jake yelled in Sean's direction. Sean turned around. "Yeah Jake-" Sean started but was cut off by a snowball being thrown in his face.

Jake laughed as Sean was rubbing the snow off his face. "Oh it's on!" Sean said as he formed a snowball and threw at Jake but he dodged it. They both started to throw snowballs at each other as they hid behind their snowmen. Jake was about to throw another snowball at Sean when he realized that Sean had disappeared. He saw that he wasn't behind his snowman anymore.

What Jake didn't know was that Sean was behind Jake and threw a snowball at the back of Jake's head. Jake turned around and found Sean behind him, laughing. He threw a snowball back at Sean and ran farther away. Jake and Sean kept throwing snowballs until Sean slipped and fell onto Jake's snowman and completely destroyed it.(he was behind Jake's snowman while they were having their snowball fight). Jake gasped, "Sean! My snowman! I worked hard on that!" He yelled. Sean realizing what he did said, "Jake I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" Sean started but Jake stopped him.

"Your gonna pay for that. Come with me." Jake said with an evil smirk as he grabbed Sean's arm and took him inside of the house. "Wait Jake! No, I'm sorry!" Sean tried to plead but Jake wasn't hearing any of it.

After a couple minutes later. Also, they both took off their winter clothes.

"Hahahahahahahahaha!! Jake!! Nohohohohohohoho!!" Sean laughed. Jake and Sean were on the couch while Jake was sitting on Sean scribbling on his sides. "You shouldn't have destroyed my snowman." Jake said as he moved up to Sean's armpits and dug his fingers into them. Sean's laughter got louder as he felt Jake's fingers in his armpits.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! JAKE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Sean laughed again, squirming in the process. Jake replied, "I can't stop now. I still don't think your sorry." He gave a smug grin. "I AM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE NO MOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORE!!" Sean pleaded while laughing. "Oh I'll make you sorry." Jake said as he grabbed Sean's leg. "Hmm. Let's try... HERE!" Jake started scribbling under Sean's knees

Sean went hysterical! His laughter went even louder than before. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! JAKE!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAP PLEASE!! IM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!" Sean shrieked as he laughed. Sean felt like he was gonna pass out. "Ok fine, I'll let you off the hook this once." Jake replied as he stopped. as Sean started breathing heavily as he could, Jake said "Geez Sean, I didn't think you that ticklish." He laughed as he said that. 

As Jake was saying this, he felt fingers on his sides and turns out it was Sean. He started to laugh as he fell back on the couch. Now, Sean was on top of Jake. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! SEAN!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT ARE YOU DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOING?!!" Jake laughed as Sean replied, "Getting you back for almost making me pass out." Sean scribbled faster on Jake's sides as Jake laughed more. "Hmm. Now where's that spot that makes You scream?" Sean asked as he moved to Jake's ribs. Jake shrieked and laughed even harder. "Aha! I think I found it." Sean said as he dug his fingers into Jake's ribs.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! SEAN!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! IM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Jake laughed again. "Fine. I don't want you passing out." Sean replied as he stopped and got off of Jake . Jake was taking in all the breath he could get. "Also, i really am sorry for ruining your snowman." Sean said. Jake replied, "Hehe. It's fine Sean. I wasn't really mad in the first place." And they both hugged it out.

The end. :)
Hope you enjoyed the story! And also, if anyone of you have requests as well, tell me in the comments below. Also, thank you all so much for 300 reads. I am so grateful! Anyways, thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next story.

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