There's no need to stress. Ship:Saisy SeanxDaisy

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Just pretend that Sean and daisy share a room.

Daisy had been doing work all day. With all her head girl duties, she hasn't had anytime to relax. Even though it was a lot, she still did all the work because she didn't want to fall behind.

Right now, she was in her room sitting on her bed sighing. She wished that she didn't have so many responsibilities. Suddenly, Sean came through the door. "Daisy?" He asked. Daisy turned around to see Sean standing at the door. "Oh Sean, hey." Daisy replied as she gave a little smile. Sean came over to her where she was sitting and sat beside her on the bed.

"Is something wrong?" asked Sean. Daisy began playing with her fingers and looking at the ground. "It's just... *sighs*. Everything is so tiring lately. I have so much work on my hands." Daisy explained. "Oh I see.." Sean replied as he placed his hand on her shoulder. "There's no need to stress Daisy. You don't need to overwork yourself." Sean continued.

Daisy gave him another smile. "Thank you Sean. But I'm fine, really." She reassured. Sean didn't think that was true but then, an idea popped in his head. "I think I have a way to get you to relax." Sean said. Daisy raised her eyebrow. "How?" Daisy asked. A smirk appeared on Sean's face. Daisy looked confused. "Umm Sean what are you-ah! hehehehehehehehehehey!!" Daisy tried to say but was cut off by Sean who was scribbling on her stomach.

"Seahahahahahahahahan!! Stahahahahahahahap that!!" Daisy laughed. "What? I'm just trying to get you to relax." Sean said as he continued to scribble his fingers on her stomach. He then moved to her armpits and Daisy's laughter got louder.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! SEAN!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Daisy laughed again. "Sorry, but someone has to get you to relax Daisy." Sean said as Daisy kept laughing.

"STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!" Daisy laughed once more. "Will you not stress too much if I stop?" Sean asked, continuing to tickle her armpits. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Daisy replied while still laughing. Sean laughed and finally stopped, letting Daisy to catch her breath.

"There. Don't you feel better?" Sean asked. "Well, a little bit." Daisy replied. Sean smiled, "See? My plan worked. Now your more relaxed." Daisy sat up. "Oh yeah? Well how about I help you relax?" Daisy said as she got closer to Sean. "What do you mean?" Sean asked as he was trying to back away.

Daisy darted forward and got on top of Sean and started wiggling her fingers closer to Sean armpits. "Wait Daisy, we can talk about this righaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" Sean began to laugh as Daisy dug her fingers into his armpits. "Wow. I didn't know you had the same ticklish spot as me Sean." Daisy said as Sean just kept laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DAISY!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Sean laughed again. "Do you apologize for tickling me?" Daisy asked. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!! JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! Sean laughed once more and Daisy finally stopped to let Sean breath.

"Hey Sean. thank you know, making me feel better." Daisy said as Sean smiled.

"Your welcome." Sean replied
The end.

Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been uploaded in a long time. I just lost motivation lately but now I'm back and I'm ready to make more stories so I hope you enjoy and I'll see you in the next story.

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