This is what a father does. Ship:None. baby Hailey and Micheal(Hailey's dad)

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Requested by: MichealNumber1Simp
Hailey and Zander were both 12 yr old kids in this story so I hope you don't get confused.

"Hailey, please come out." 12 year old Zander said at the door of Hailey's room. Some idiots made fun of her at school, and now she wasn't coming out of her room. "Go away Zander!" Hailey yelled from inside her room, still crying. Zander continued, "At least talk to me, I just want to help you." But Hailey didn't respond. Your probably wondering why is Hailey so upset? well, I'll tell you why.

Hailey and Zander were just walking in the hallways of the school,minding their own business. When all of a sudden, two boys came over and bumped Hailey on purpose. "Watch it freak." One of the boys said. "How about you watch where your going?!" Zander shot back at the boy. Hailey jumped in, "You clearly saw me. You only did it on purpose."

The boys started snickering. "Wow. I'm surprised you actually talked back to us. Considering you always freeze up on stage and embarrass yourself, I was expecting you to stay quiet." He said as the two boys started snickering even louder. Hailey's eyes widen but didn't say anything. "Awww what's wrong? Are you scared to embarrass yourself again?" The other boy said in a mocking baby voice. Zander got really angry. "SHUT UP YOU MORONS!!" He yelled. Hailey just ran away as the two boys started laughing and Zander called out for her but she didn't stop and look back.

End of flashback.

Just then, Michael(Hailey's dad) came over and was concerned of why Hailey didn't come out of her room yet. "Zander, what's going on?" Micheal asked as Zander turn around to look at him. "Some kids made fun of her at school and now she was in her room crying." Zander explained. Micheal was shocked as Zander went on. "She won't even talk to me and now I don't know what to do." Micheal sighed, "Let me try talking to her." He said.

Zander nodded his head in agreement and left for Micheal to talk to Hailey alone. Micheal knocked on Hailey's door. "Zander, I said go away!!" Hailey yelled again from inside her room. "Hailey, it's me." Micheal said, "Can I come in?"

Hailey resented at first, but relented and let him come in. Micheal entered the room and saw Hailey on her bed with her face covered in tears and holding her knees. Micheal felt bad and sat on her bed beside her.he gently patted her head as Hailey looked at him. "Zander told me that some kids at school made fun of you." Micheal said. Hailey nodded. "Y-Yeah, they m-made of me because of my stage fright and called me a f-freak". Hailey responded while sniffling. "Why can't I just perform normal like everyone else?" She added.

"Oh Hailey.." Micheal said as he pulled her into a hug and held her head. Hailey hugged him back. They broke the hug after a minute and Micheal started to wipe her tears away. "Hailey" Micheal started, "Listen to me, many people have stage fright. It's normal to be scared when your performing in front of people. But just remember that you are talented and if those kids who called you a freak can't see that your talented, then that's their problem." Micheal explained.

Hailey smiled as she listened to her dad's words. She started to calm down and stopped crying. "Thanks dad. I think I'm feeling a little better." Hailey said. Micheal smirked , "I don't think you're fully better yet." He said. Hailey was confused of why he was saying that. "Why are you saying that? I am feeling better." She said. "Well,I need to make sure you feel extra better." Micheal said.

Suddenly, Micheal started scribbling his fingers into Hailey's sides. She started to laugh while her father just smiled. "Hahahahahahahaha!! dad! Stahahahahahahap!!" Hailey laughed. Micheal grinned, "Well, This is what a father does. They make their daughters feel extra better and happy." He went down to her stomach and started tickling her there.

Hailey's laughter became louder as she felt her father's fingers around her stomach. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DAD!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!STOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOP!!" She tried to push her father's hand off but she couldn't because he was much stronger than her. "Aww, but look how happy you are." Micheal teased as he continued to tickle her stomach. "IM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPY!! ENOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOUGH!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Hailey continued to laugh. "Hmm I don't know, are you sure your happy enough?" Micheal asked. "YEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHES!!" Hailey replied, still laughing. " Are you absolutely sure?" He went on." DAHAHAHAHAHAHAD!!" Hailey laughed again. "Alright alright fine." Micheal said as he finally stopped. "" Hailey said as she was trying to get her breath pace back to normal.  Once her breath was finally back to normal,Micheal smiled as Hailey smiled back at her dad.

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