"Rejection turned to a new connection" Ship:Lenry LiamxHenry.

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"I'm finally gonna ask Lia on a date!!" Henry said with a rose in his hand as Liam rolled his eyes. "Are you sure about this?" Liam asked. "Yes, I'm sure. I'm finally gonna ask her." Henry replied. "I'm gonna go. See you Liam!" Henry waved bye to Liam as Liam waved back. "Bye" Liam replied.

Liam sighed a bit. He didn't like that Henry was gonna ask Lia on a date. Why?

Because He likes Henry.

He liked Henry for a long time. He tried to tell him for so long but he thought Henry saw him a only a friend. Liam walked in the other direction, feeling a little disappointed.

With Henry-

Henry found Lia near her locker with Zoey. He took a deep breath. "Its now or never." Henry said in his mind. He walked towards the girls and Zoey happen to see him. "Oh, Look who's coming." Zoey said as Lia turned to where Zoey was looking. "Oh great. It's him." Lia said in an annoyed tone.

"Hello ladies~" Henry said to the girls. Lia rolled her eyes. "What do you want Henry?" Lia asked, still annoyed. Henry took a deep breath, "Lia.." He started, "Will you go out with me?" Henry said while holding out the rose for her. Lia facepalmed herself.

Zoey was trying to contain herself trying not to laugh. "Henry, how many times do I have to tell you? I DON'T LIKE YOU!!" Lia shouted. Henry was shocked by the way she reacted. Lia kept going, "I'm tired of you trying to get me to like you. You're stupid, weird, and a loser. You're nothing compared to what Drew and Jake are. They're way better than you." Zoey cut in, "Yeah Henry, why don't you go like someone that's as weird and annoying as you? The girl started cackling loudly.

Henry's heart felt like it shriveled up into ashes. He felt like he was going to cry, but he managed to hold it in. "W-Well, I'm sorry." Henry said with his head bent down. "You should be." Lia replied as her and Zoey walked away, leaving Henry all alone.

Henry slowly walked in the other direction with his head down, still holding the rose in his hand.

After a while-

Liam was walking down the hallway when he noticed Henry by his locker. "Hey Henry!!" Liam yelled. That got Henry's attention and he turned to see Liam walking towards him. "Sooooo, how did it go with Lia?" Liam asked. Henry didn't want to answer that. "U-Um, It didn't really go that well." Henry replied.

"Oh, What happened?" Liam said but then noticed tears going down Henry's face. He was shocked and then questioned, "Whoa. Henry, what's wrong? Did I say-" Before Liam could continue speaking, Henry wrapped his arms around Liam and started sobbing on his chest.

A hint of blush started showing on Liam's face as he also wrapped his arms around Henry to comfort him. "H-Hey, It's ok. Shhh, I'm right here." Liam said calmly, as he rubbed gently on Henry's back. "L-Lia,  Sh-She..... l-l..." Henry stuttered. Liam got a bit angry hearing Lia's name, thinking she had something to do with why Henry was crying.

"Don't cry Henry, it's ok...Do you want to tell me what happened?" Liam asked.

A few hours later-

Henry agreed to tell Liam what happened. They decided to hang out after school to talk about it. They both sat on a bench near a park and Henry started telling Liam about what happened.

"Well, I went to ask Lia on a date. And she got angry and a-started to call me names and Zoey also s-said to find someone as weird and annoying as me." Henry said. Now Liam was even more angry than before. He couldn't believe that Lia and Zoey would say all those mean things to Henry. Liam put his hand on Henry's shoulder. "I'm sorry that happened to you Henry. They shouldn't have said that to you." Liam said.

"But what if they're right? What if Lia's right?" Henry said, looking down on the ground. "She isn't right!" Liam replied, making Henry look up at him. "Your not stupid nor weird. Sure, you act a little childish sometimes, but your still a nice person."

Henry gave Liam a little smile. "Thanks, I really needed that." Henry said. Liam wasn't finished though, he still had one more thing to cheer Henry up. "Besides, Lia's missing a lot of things about you." Liam said. Henry replied, "What do you mean by that?" Henry asked. Liam replied, "Well, she's missing out your jokes, your lettuce fantasies.." That made Henry chuckle a bit. Liam kept going, "And your adorable....LAUGH!!" Liam then dug his fingers into Henry's sides and Henry started laughing.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! LIAM!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! WAIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIT!!" Henry laughed as he fell back on the bench they were sitting on. "What? I'm just proving my point." Liam said as he continued his attack. Henry kept on laughing and Liam just smiled, "God your laugh is so cute Henry. If only I could tell you how I feel about you." Liam said in his mind.

"LIAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAM!!STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEHEHHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!" Henry laughed which made Liam snap out of his thoughts. "Ok ok fine." Liam replied as he took his hands away. Henry sat back up on the bench, still catching his breath considering of the attack he just went through. "Sorry Henry. But hey, at least your feeling better." Liam said and let out a laugh. Henry joined in with her m and laughed too.

Perhaps this was the start...of a new connection.

I hope you all enjoyed this story. And a message for BeatrizCampbell, of course I'll do your requests I'll have the story/s posted as soon as I can. Anyway, thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next story.

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