👎Never EVER make fun of Milly's height. 👎 Ship:None

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Requested by: No one

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*Sighs* "He's gonna regret this." Sean said under his breath.

Jake snickered as he walked over to the pink haired girl, who was just tuning up her guitar.

"Hey Milly..." Jake exclaimed as Milly lifted her head up.  "Yeah, What's up?" She responded.

"Can I tell you something?" Jake asked mischievously. Milly replied, "Uhh, Sure? What is it?" As she stopped tuning up her guitar and raised an eyebrow, confused on why he was acting so suspicious.

"I just wanted to say that I hope the next stage of your life...comes with a ladder." Jake said. (I found this joke on the internet, thought it'd be perfect for this. 😂)

"What? I don't...Oh." Milly said, finally understanding what was going on as Jake let out a laugh. "Are you serious Jake?" Like the older brother he is, Sean was watching the two of them from his desk, wondering how this was gonna end.

"Did you really just make a joke about my height." Milly said as Jake just smirked playfully.

"Oh come on, it was funny!" Jake exclaimed.

"Yeah, maybe for a dork like you." Milly shot back.

"Hey!" Jake replied as Sean let out a little snicker from his desk.

"Ok, Maybe this didn't end as bad as I thought it would." Sean said in his mind.

"Well someone's humor is a bit SHORT today." Jake said with a playful grin.

"Oh no."

"Ok, That's it!" Milly exclaimed as she put down her guitar and started walking towards him. "You wanna be funny, huh?"

Jake's expression on his face changed as he started backing away, "W-Wait, Milly, I-I was just making a joke, I swear! It was nothing personal! Sean, a little help, please?" He begged nervously.

Even though Sean did try to warn Jake, He got up from his desk and said, "Alright, just calm down you too. It's way too early to be violent."

Milly smirked, "Oh don't worry Sean, I had something else in mind."

Something else? Jake gulped, "H-How about we just talk a-about this? I said I was sorry! Can't I have a little MERCY??" He yelled at the end as the screen went black.

Time Skip

"What in the world?" Zander said as him, Hailey, and Luke had just walked into the music room and encountered both Jake and Milly on the floor, Milly sitting on top of Jake and scribbling underneath his armpits and sides and Jake laughing his head off.

"Ummm, What exactly happened here?" Luke asked Sean, who was right beside him watching the scene.

"Jake made a joke about Milly being short and as you can see, it backfired." Sean replied.

"Of course he did." Hailey said.

"This is like the fourth time something like this has happened." Zander said. (A/N- Wow, interesting. Well, it's definitely not because someone used the same setting idea for the fourth time...💀🤔😂)

Even though this was a hilarious moment, It came to an end when Milly finally stopped her attack since the others told her that Jake had enough, and also because they said she might actually kill him.

"I'm actually surprised you didn't punch him in the face and did that instead." Zander said.

"Ehh, I thought it be more fun to do." Milly replied while crossing her shoulders.

"I'd would've rather get punched in the face." Jake said, still recovering from his laugh attack.

The end.

Omg! Finally, I'm done. I'm so sorry I made you guys wait for 2 more weekend when I said I'd post soon. But finally, I finished. Although I did rush a little at the end, I hope the story isn't too bad.

Btw, I think I'm gonna start trying to focus on my new book. Im not gonna abandon this story, if you have requests, I'll gladly do them. It's just I wanna start making new stories on my new book. You can check them out if you want.

Anyways, thank you all so much for all your guy's patience, I'll see you all in the next story!


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