Im not a simp! Ship:Drake DrewxJake

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Requested by: Orchid_grapes
A Christmas or late Christmas special!!

It was finally Christmas Day and Jake came over to Drew's house to celebrate. Right now, They were sitting under the Christmas tree, opening presents. Jake picked up a present that read: To Jake From Drew.

"Go ahead, Open it." Drew said to Jake. Jake nodded and began to unwrap the present. He opened the box  to find that inside of it was a sweater that said Simp on it. Jake chuckled, "Really?" Jake asked. Drew smirked, "What? It's perfect for you." Drew said. "Try it on." He continued.

Jake slipped the sweater right on. It was actually quite comfortable. "I don't look half bad in this, do I?" Jake said. Drew began to laugh a bit of how Jake looked. "Hey, don't laugh at me." Jake said. Drew replied, "Why? You look funny with that on."
"I do not!!" Jake yelled, while standing up. Drew got up too. "Yes you do. Since your a simp and all." Drew said.

"I'm not a simp!" Jake replied. "Jake, we both know that's a lie." Drew said. "For the last time Drew, I'm not a simp!" Jake yelled. "Yes you are~" Drew teased. Jake blushed a bit before crossing his arms and turning away from Drew. "Aww come on Jake, don't be mad." Drew said while grabbing Jake's shoulder. "I'm not talking to you until you apologize for calling me a simp" Jake said.

Drew gave a smug grin. "If I said you weren't a simp, then that means I would be lying." Drew said and let out a little laugh. Jake did not respond though. He was still crossing arms and not saying a word. Drew came closer to Jake and said, "Jake, you can't ignore me forever." But Jake didn't say anything.

Drew then started to think of how to make Jake talk. He then got a idea. An evil grin came onto his face. He came behind Jake and dug his fingers into Jake's sides. Jake felt it and tried to hold in his laughter until a little giggle came out of his mouth. "Was that a giggle I heard?" Drew asked. Jake covered his mouth, not wanting to answer.

Drew noticed that Jake still wasn't talking so he decided to scribble his fingers faster on Jake's sides. Jake couldn't hold in his laugh anymore and burst into a loud laugh. Jake fell to the ground while Drew was still tickling his sides. Drew sat on top of Jake to make sure he couldn't escape.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DREW!! KNOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOCK IT OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOFF!!" Jake laughed. "Hmmm ok I'll stop. But only if you admit that your a simp." Drew replied. "BUT IM NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Jake laughed again. "Wrong answer." Drew said as he moved up to Jake's ribs and started scribbling his fingers there. Jake shrieked when he felt Drew's fingers on his ribs. He started kicking and squirming like crazy. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT DREW!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Jake screamed while laughing.

Drew smirked, "say that your a simp and I'll stop." He replied. Jake just wanted Drew to stop so he finally gave in. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OK!! OK IM AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA SIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIMP!! NOW PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Jake said while still laughing. Drew finally stopped to let Jake finally breath and got off of him. "See? That wasn't so hard." Drew said while Jake gave him a glare while breathing heavily and sitting up.

Before Drew could say anything else. Jake started to scribble his fingers into Drew's armpits and Drew fell to the floor laughing while Jake now got on top of him."HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! JAKE!! WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT ARE YOU DOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOING!!" Drew said while laughing. "I'm getting my payback. And now, I want you to apologize for calling me a simp." Jake said as he moved to Drew's thighs and squeezed them which made Drew scream!

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! JAKE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!" Drew laughed again. Jake smirked, "all you have to do is say I'm not a simp and ill stop." He replied, shooting Drew's own words back at him.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! OK!! IM SOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHORRY!! YOUR NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOT A SIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIMP!! NOW STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Drew laughed once again. Jake then finally stopped and got off of Drew who was still breathing rapidly and heavily. "There. Now we're even." Jake said while giving a smile. Drew sighed, "alright alright. Your not a simp." Drew wrapped his arms around Jake's neck. "Your my simp~" Drew said teasingly. Jake blushed bright pink. "D-Drew!" Jake said as Drew let out laugh.

What a chaotic Christmas

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this story. And a message to sophiaPINKZZ, of course I'll do your request but i might have some time thinking of an idea for the story, but don't worry I won't take that long to think of an idea. But if you want to tell me of how you want the story to go, let me know! Anyways, thank you all so much for reading and I'll see you in the next story.

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