a family again. Ship: Lander- with their future kid.

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Requested by: httpshotbish

After years of being together, Zander and Luke finally got married. It was truly a magical day for them. They had everything they could every need, except for one thing...

A child.

They both wanted to adopt a child for a while and finally decided to adopt one. They went to the nearest orphanage to look for a child to adopt.

They arrived and found so many adorable kids. But they was one kid there that caught their eye. There was a boy standing in the corner, looking shy. He was brown hair with and orange eye but the other one was covered by an eyepatch. He had white skin and he looked about 5 years old.

Luke went to the boy and Zander followed curiously. "Hi." Luke said, waving his hand. The boy waved his hand back without saying anything. "What's your name?" Zander asked the boy. "Um, I'm L-Leon." He replied.

"Why are you hiding here and not with the other kids." Luke asked him. Leon said sadly, "Because I don't think anyone would want to adopt me." Zander and Luke both looked shock. "Why don't you think no one would want to adopt you?" Luke asked.

Leon took his eyepatch off and Zander and Luke both had their eyes wide open. Leon and one eye that was orange and one eye that was blue. It turns out that Leon had Heterochromia. "Everyone think I'm weird because of my e-eyes." Leon said, looking down on the ground.

Luke was heartbroken by what Leon said while Zander also felt terrible. Luke whispered something in Zander's ear and Zander nodded. They both turned to look at Leon.

"How would you like to live with us Leon?" Luke asked. Leon looked up at them in surprise. "Really, you mean it?" Leon replied. "Who's stopping us?" Zander joked, as Luke let out a laugh. Leon screamed excitedly, "Yes, yes, YES!!" As he hugged both Zander and Luke. The two of them chuckled and hugged him back.

It took about 7 months for the adoption process for Leon to finally be done. Finally, the day came. Luke and Zander took Leon to his new home. When they got there, Zander said, "Welcome to your new home Leon." As he picked Leon up in his arms. "Yeah, welcome home sweetheart." Luke said as he ruffles his new son's hair.

Everything was going great for the new family. They thought nothing could go wrong.

Well, all except one thing.

I forgot to mention that Zander and Luke both had jobs. It wasn't much of a problem at first, but soon, the work piled up more and more. They couldn't spend time with each other like they used to or with Leon. The days went into weeks and weeks went into months. It was to the point where they didn't have anytime for each other or with their son.

Present day-

"Daddy?" Leon asked to Luke as he was working in his room. "Yes, sweetie?" Luke asked. "Do you want to play with me?" Leon asked. He had already ask Zander-Dada ;) but he already said he couldn't. Luke sighed, "I'm sorry sweetie, I can't, I have to finish this project. Why don't you go play in you room instead?" Leon replied with a sad face, "Oh, Ok." As he went to go play by himself.

Luke felt bad. His work had kept him so busy that he wasn't able to spend time with his family anymore. Zander was the same way. He was also caught up in his job as well. He missed all the memories he made with his husband and his son. Luke couldn't stand this anymore and went to the kitchen where Zander was working on his laptop on the kitchen table.

"Sweetheart, I need to ask you something." Luke said, as his husband looked up from his laptop once he heard his voice. "Yeah honey, what is it?" Zander asked. Luke went and sat next to Zander. "Don't you think we've been working...a little too much lately?" He asked. Zander replied, "Well, a little, yes, why do you ask?"

"It's just, we're very distant now and we don't really spend time with each other like we used to anymore,  I miss spending days with you and Leon. It's like we stopped..being a family." Luke explained, a bit sad of what he said at that last part.

Zander realized what he meant. "Your right. Work has just been so much lately and you and Leon, i haven't been with the both of you... and we adopted Leon for a reason and-" Zander stopped when Luke started caressing his cheek. "Hey, it's ok sweetie. I've missed you and Leon too. Don't get upset. Starting right now, things are going to get better, ok?" Luke asked. Zander nodded , "Ok" he smiled as he closed his laptop and gave Luke a peck on the lips.

They both went to Leon's room and opened the door. They found Leon on his bed, playing with a stuffed plushie. "Leon?" Luke said, getting his son's attention. "Yeah, daddy?" Leon replied. "Me and dada are ready to hang out with you now." Luke said. Leon was surprised. "But..I thought that you both were busy working." Luke and Zander smiled.

"We're taking a break from working. Come on, why don't we go play a board game in the living room?" Luke suggested. "Okay!" Leon said happily. "All right let's go set it up." Zander exclaimed as the three of them went to the living room.

They started playing chutes and ladders as they all sat on the couch and it looked like they were having fun until Luke saw that Zander and Leon both looked a bit emotionless. "Are you too okay?" Luke asked. "Oh, yeah just a little tired, that's all." Zander replied. "Me too." Leon also replied.

Luke wanted to cheer them up so he got an idea. "How about we play a different game?" Luke asked. Leon replied, "What type of game?" Luke smirked as he faced his son. "It's called..." he began to raise his hands, "the TICKLE MONSTER!!" Luke yelled as he grabbed Leon and placed him on his lap. He started to scribble and knead on Leon's tummy as Leon began to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! DAHAHAHAHAHAHHADDY!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!" Leon laughed. Zander was watching the sight as he grinned. "Honey, wanna help?" Luke asked. "I think I will." Zander replied.

"NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! DADA!! DON'T HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHELP DAHAHAHAHADDY!!" Leon pleaded while laughing. Of course, Zander didn't listen and starting digging into his armpits which made Leon laugh even harder. "Aww, but you look so happy sweetie." Luke teased.

After a few minutes, they both finally stop as Leon was still giggling from the attack and panting as well. Luke turned to Zander, "Now don't you think this tickle monster forgot about you." He said. Zander widened his eyes. "Oh no, no no no, Luke, don't you dare." Zander said while backing away as Luke got closer to him.

Before Zander could get away, Luke grabbed him by the waist and pulled him back to the couch and started scribbling on his tummy as well. Zander started laughing as soon as he felt fingers kneading his tummy as well.

"LUKE!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAIT!!STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!" Zander laughed. "Daddy, let me help." Leon said. "Sure sweetie, come on." Luke said as Zander laughed a loud "NOHOHOHOHOHO!!" which Leon ignored. Leon used his little hands to squeeze his dada's sides.

"STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!" Zander laughed again. "This is what you get for helping daddy tickle me." Leon said. "I'M SOHOHOHOHOHORRY!!" Zander apologized while laughing as Luke and Leon laughed as well.

After that was over, they all were still laughing and and were cuddling on the couch. Leon was between Luke and Zander. "I really missed you both, you know?" Zander said. Leon and Luke smiled. "I missed you too dada and daddy." Leon said. Luke and Zander softly laughed. "Same right here." Luke said, as he gave Zander a passionate kiss on the lips which Zander loved.

"Hey, I'm right here!" Leon exclaimed. The two husbands chuckled as they ended their kiss. Zander then said, "Hey Leon honey, do you want to get back at daddy?" to which Luke widened his eyes. Leon replied, "Oh yeah!" excitedly. "Wait, you don't have to-wait hahahhahahahaha!!" Luke started to giggle when Zander started wiggling his fingers on his neck.

"Oh Luke, you didn't expect us to just let you get away with what you did?" Zander asked in a teasing tone. And with that, Zander and Leon got luke back by giving him a tickle attack.

It looks like they're back there being a family again.

1,457 words! Oh my gosh, this was very long. I'm sorry this took long to write but I hope you enjoyed it. I'll probably make a story about Leon's eyes and whatnot, but until then, I'll see you in the next story.

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