😉Sneak attack😉Ship:Jalia JakexLia

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Requested by: meloilaiia

It was just a normal day in Rose-meadow high school. Jake was just hanging out by his locker, minding his own business. He opened his locker to get his stuff when he noticed something...strange.

He had a weird feeling that someone was watching him. Not in a bad way, but still. He looked around only to see other students walking down the halls, so he decided to just ignore it.

But while Jake wasn't looking, a figure was coming in his direction. He didn't notice because he got a notification on his phone. He was perfectly fine until.. "BOO!!" A girl yelled from behind Jake as she squeezed his sides, making him laugh. It was Lia.

"Hey! Hahahahahahahahahaha!! What the heheheheheheheheheck!!" Jake laughed as he quickly turned around to see it was Lia, giggling. "What was that for?" Jake asked. "Oh nothing, just wanted to scare you, that's all." Lia said smiling.

"Ha ha very funny." Jake said sarcastically. "just don't sneak up on me like that."

"No promises." Lia replied with a wink." Just then, the school bell rang. All the students started heading to their classes. "Well, see you later Jake!" Lia said as she waved bye and starting walking away. "Heh, Bye Lia." Jake replied and he also waved and headed in the opposite direction to his class.

Hey guys!! Sorry if this story was a bit short. I didn't have much idea so I had to improvise. I hope you still enjoyed it and I hope to see u in my next story or in my next book.


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