Cheering you up. Ship:Seally SeanxMilly (in a sibling way)

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Milly was in her room just playing her guitar. Her parents were out for the weekend, both on trips for work. But then, Milly's phone starts to ring. She hears it and picks it up to see who was calling.

It was Sean.

Milly answered the call, wondering why Sean was calling her. "Hey Sean, What's up?" Milly asked on the phone. However, Sean didn't sound...okay, he sound like he had been crying. Milly heard sniffles through the call and got concerned.

"Sean, is that you? Are you ok?" Milly asked as Sean's voice appeared through the call. "M-Milly? Yeah it's me. I'm ok I-I just.." Sean stuttered through his words as he started sniffling again. Milly became worried, "Sean what's wrong? Did something happen?" Milly asked. Sean answered back, "I-um.. I just wanted to ask if I could come to your place."

Milly said it was ok for him to come to her house, but  she was still very confused. "Sure, you can come to my place Sean but I just wanna know what-" Milly said before Sean cut in. "I'll tell you everything when i'm there. I'm about to head out now." Milly said "alright" as they both said bye to each other and ended the call.

About one hour and a half later, Milly hears a knock on the front door. Milly went to answer it and opened the door and it was Sean, who looked like he'd been crying for a long time. Milly gasped, "Omg Sean! Are you ok-" Milly asked in shock before Sean hugged her tightly and quietly sobbing on her shoulder.

Milly hugged him back and took him inside the house. They both went to the living room and sat on the couch. Sean was still crying softly and Milly was rubbing his back to try and calm him down. "Sean.." Milly started, "Please, tell me what's wrong." Sean started to calm down a bit and wipe some of his tears away. He looked at Milly and started explaining.

"Well, I was in my room, trying to ignore my parents fighting. They usually fight most of the time, so I kinda had to live with it. But then, I heard my father scream..


Sean continued, "Those were the words that left me in shock. I didn't know why he said that. I-I started to think t-that if I was the reason my parents were always f-fighting. I thought I just couldn't take it anymore and I decide to leave the house. I didn't know where to go so, I just called you." Sean started to cry again as Milly couldn't believe what she heard.

"I-I'm sorry, I-I just..." Sean stuttered but Milly pulled him into a hug and put her hand on his head. "Shhh it's ok Sean, I'm right here just.. let it all out." Milly said as Sean started crying on her shoulder while she was rubbing his back again.

After a minute and a half, Sean had finally calmed down and Milly asked him if he wanted to watch something on the TV, to which Sean agreed. However, as they were watching TV, Milly still felt like Sean was still upset, so she was trying to think of  something that would cheer him up. Suddenly, she had an idea.

She looked to see if Sean wasn't looking and he wasn't. She made her way to his sides and starting tickling his sides, Sean flinched and started laughing a little bit. "Hehehehehhehehey Milly  stahahahahahahahahahahap!" Sean laughed while squirming, trying to escape Milly's fingers. Milly chuckled, "Why should I stop Sean? I'm just trying to cheer you up some more." Milly began to sit on Sean's back, making sure he didn't escape.

She then pinned both of Sean's arms above his head with one hand and used her other hand to scribble her fingers into Sean's right armpit. Sean's laugh became louder as he tried getting up and escaping the attack, but couldn't do it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! MILLY!! NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT!!" Sean was howling with laughter at this point. "Milly yes~" Milly teased as she scribbled faster on his armpit. Sean went hysterical. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! ALRIGHT!! IM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAPPY!! NOW STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!"

Milly smiled, "That's just what I needed to hear." She finally stopped and got off of Sean. Sean was breathing heavily, due to the tickle attack he had just faced. "Sorry." Milly began, "I just wanted to cheer since you were pretty sad before." Sean chuckled, "Thank you Milly. I appreciate it. but next time, maybe try not to make me almost die laughing?" Milly started giggling as Sean joined in. Milly was more than happy to see Sean finally cheered up.

"Hey guys!! I hope you've all enjoyed my stories that I wrote so far. If you'd like to, leave a comment and request any ships you'd like me to write about next or tell me what you'd thought my stories, whichever one you prefer. Thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next story. Bye!! :)"

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